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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Breaking Through Narrow Places..!

Breaking Through Narrow Places: Decreeing Enlargement and Prophesying Victory”..!

…Begin the day with prayer, seeking guidance and strength from God to overcome the narrow places in your life. Ask for the anointing to push through and reach your new enlarged place.

…As you read Luke 18, Matthew 19, 1 John 1, and 2,…; Meditate on the stories and teachings that speak about faith, hope, and love.

..Let these scriptures remind you of the unlimited possibilities that lie ahead when you trust in God and His promises.

…Friend,..Take a moment to reflect on your own life and identify and the narrow places that you feel trapped in…

…These could be physical, emotional, or spiritual areas where you feel restricted or limited…

..Write them down and bring them before the Lord,…asking Him for Supernatural breakthrough and enlargement…

..Decree with Faith and Boldness that you will be Anointed to push through the narrow places and into the broader places that He has prepared for you to possess and occupy in this next Season.

…Declare that the power of God will enable you to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way….; Visualise yourself breaking free from the constraints and stepping into a new season of enlargement and Increase…

..Throughout the day, intentionally choose to walk in Faith, Hope, and Love in all circumstances….Regardless of the challenges or setbacks you may face,..hold onto the truth that God is with you and He has a plan to prosper you and to move you forward into the place of Abundance and Beauty.

…Let your words, actions, and attitudes reflect the faith you have in God’s faithfulness, the hope you have in His promises, and the love you have for Him and others in the Body..

…Today raise your Voice and Prophesy and declare your vision to break through the barriers and obstacles that seek to hold you back….; Speak out loud the dreams and goals that you have for your life…

Come On Declare; that no obstacle or limitation can hinder you from reaching your God Appointed Destiny…

…Now As you align your words with God’s Word and promises, are releasing the supernatural power of heaven into your life and over your future.

…Throughout the day, keep your focus on God and His ability to bring about the needed provision and divine wisdom you need….; Surrender any anxiety or fear to Him, knowing that He is working all things together for your good…

…Trust that He will lead you through the narrow places and into the spacious and abundant life He has for you..!

…And finally,..Close the day with sincere gratitude and thanksgiving in your heart. ..Thank the Father for His faithfulness, for empowering you to break through the narrow places, and for the Increase,…Expansion and Enlargement that is coming your way…

…Rest in the assurance that God is at work in your life, and continue to trust Him as you journey towards your new season of manifest Victory..!

…”Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes”…Isaiah 54:2

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Breaking Through Narrow Places..!

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