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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Deepening the Flow: Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..!

Deepening the Flow…Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..

Let’s Read Ezekiel 47

…Ask God to take you deeper and to bring a greater Manifestation of His Spirit through your life..

…Today Reflect on the passage and meditate on the imagery presented by Ezekiel’s vision…; Pay attention to the flowing water and its increasing depth…

..As we read Ezekiel 47, we are transported into a vision of a Mighty River that flows from the Temple of God. The River starts as a trickle, ankle-deep, but progressively deepens as it moves forward…

..The powerful imagery here is a reflection of the increasing manifestation of God’s Spirit that we can experience in our lives…

When you reflect on this passage, you realize that God desires is for His Spirit to flow in ever-increasing abundance within you – He wants to take you deeper, beyond ankle-deep waters, and into the depths of His Glorious Presence…

..Now when one receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he receives the Spirit without measure; but when he fails to believe God and trust in all of His Word, then he limits the Spirit in his life and measures the Spirit to himself…

…With this realization, come before God today and Ask Him to take you deeper…Tell Him that you desire to walk in a greater manifestation of His Spirit in your life…

..And recognise that there may be areas where you have settled for ankle-deep waters, when God desires to take you further and deeper…than you have gone before…

…Right Now,..Surrender your own plans and desires and ask God to align your heart with His.

Acknowledge that only by Surrendering and allowing Him to work in your life can the manifestation of His Spirit truly and through your life…

..Ask Him to remove any barriers or hindrances that may be preventing His Spirit from flowing powerfully and freely within you and through you..

..With earnestness, Seek a greater outworking of God’s Spirit in your life, knowing that it is only through His Spirit that you are able to live a life of greater obedience, power, and transformation.

..Tell Him You desire to be filled to overflowing, so that His Spirit may break out and touch the lives of those around you…

As you continue to meditate on Ezekiel 47, be reminded that the River brings Life wherever it flows. Trees on both sides of the river bear fruit, providing nourishment and healing to the Nations…

…When the Spirit of Lord flows unhindered in your life, you are not only fruitful and blessed, but you become a channel of great blessing to others…

…Commit yourself to a lifestyle of seeking God’s Spirit and allowing it to flow in greater measure in your life…

…Make the decision to pursue intimacy with God, to draw near to Him continually, and to  totally rely on His Spirit for guidance, strength, and empowerment…

…Let nothing stop you from receiving the power of the Holy Spirit which you need in every aspect of life. It is available to you NOW today…; Ask and you shall receive..!

Waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward.’ Water is regularly a picture of spiritual life and growth, whether in terms of river or rain. ‘The righteous man’ is ‘like a tree planted by the streams of water,’

Psalms 1:3..

The man who trusts in Yahweh is like ‘a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river,’

Jeremiah 17:18…

The coming transforming and reviving work of the Spirit is likened to men being sprinkled with water and made clean Ezekiel 36:25-27…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Deepening the Flow: Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..!

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