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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

God is a God of Supernatural Miracles,…as we take a look at the teachings and Miracles of Jesus in Mark 6, 7, and 10.

…These chapters showcase the incredible Transformative Power of Faith,..and the Miracles that can happen when we put our Trust and Hope in God alone….; HE IS THE GREAT MIRACLE WORKER..!

…By immersing ourselves in these stories, we can gain a deeper understanding of how to embrace change and develop an atmosphere of radical Faith without boundaries in our own lives.

..Embracing the rapid changes that are happening around us on a daily basis can be challenging,…but Faith is not denying that Mountains exist – but rather Faith denies the Power that Mountains can have over our lives and see them removed…!!

Challenges are essential for growth and spiritual development…

…Just as Jesus moved from place to place, constantly adapting to every new circumstance and challenge, we too must be open to change and embrace every opportunity to exercise our Faith in God.

…By letting go of our fear of the unknown, we pave the way for God’s plan to unfold in our lives…

…Listen! Take heart,..Rejection is inevitable, but it should never hold us back from doing God’s work…

…As you take time to read these chapters, you will see Jesus being rejected by his own hometown and even by his disciples at different times….However, He never let it discourage him or hinder his mission or distract Him from His Fathers instruction.

…Instead, He pressed forward with unwavering faith, knowing that God’s plan was greater than any rejection He faced.

..Letting go of the fear of rejection allows us to fully embrace God’s calling and step into the purpose He has for us.

Whenever God calls us into positions of leadership it can be a challenging time of transition, requiring a new measure of faith and demonstration….; In Mark 6, we see Jesus appointing his disciples to go out and preach, giving them Authority to heal and cast out demons…

…This Call into leadership required the disciples to step out in faith and fully trust in God’s power working through them. Similarly, when we take up a position of leadership or responsibility, we must lean even more on our faith and trust in God’s guidance…

To cultivate a climate of faith for healing and miracles, we must first believe that all things are possible with God. As we see in Mark 6 and 10, countless people came to Jesus seeking healing, and their faith played a pivotal role in their restoration.

…By developing a mindset that says “With God, all things are possible,” we create an atmosphere of expectation and faith. We must believe that God has the power to bring healing and miracles into our lives, and approach him with the confidence and absolute assurance that He will respond…

Developing a Life-Style of Radical faith requires consistent Obedience…Surrender and devotion…; Just as Jesus withdrew to solitary places to pray and seek guidance from the Father, we too must prioritize our relationship of Intimacy with the Father…Through prayer, studying scripture, and seeking spiritual input.

Pray; Thank you Father for how you have called me to be involved in Your work in the world. Thank you for how You Provide and care for me and how You so lovingly care for others,….As the Great Teacher,…please teach me how to love and lead as you love and lead.

…And As the Great Shephard will you continue to guide and protect me and those that I love. Father thank You for Your Faithfulness and great compassion in my life.

..Thank you Lord for leaving me the Holy Spirit that is always with me,…Thank you Lord that you provide help and hope in the challenges of everyday life…Help me to remember this Truth, especially as the circumstances of the day can look totally impossible to resolve on my own.

…Father You are the God of miracles. Help me to remember what You have already done in my life to bring me to where I am today…Equip me to Grow in greater faith each day..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

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