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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

.. Reflect on the comforting words of Isaiah 40,…A Chapter that brings Hope and solace during difficult times…

..Allow these words to penetrate your heart and bring healing to any lingering pain, guilt, or regret over past mistakes and losses…

..Let go of the burdens and the weight of the past, as you do God is Ready to bring comfort to you and full Restoration.

…He understands your past and knows the pain you have endured…Trust in His goodness and mercy as He offers His arms of Comfort…Strength and Grace…

..As you receive God’s comfort, it is time to break free from the present warfare that may be holding you back…; Step out in Faith and Courage to pioneer into your next measure….God always has greater things in store for you and wants to lead you into a Season of Breakthrough and Manifestation…

…Pray and ask God for His Catch-Up Winds to blow forth upon your life,…Ask Him to give you a second wind and a new breath to infuse you with renewed Strength, Perseverance, and fresh Vision..

…Allow His Spirit to Breathe New life into your Body,..Soul and Spirit, filling you with the energy and passion needed to pursue your next measure of Blessing,…Breakthrough and Kingdom Inheritance…

…Friend,..Take a moment to reflect on God’s omnipotence and ever Present Presence with you…Selah!!!

..Meditate on the fact that He is all-powerful and all-knowing. Nothing is too difficult for Him, and He sees the bigger picture even when we cannot…; Trust in His perfect Wisdom and let go of any anxiety or fear of the Future…He holds your days in His hands…

..As you embark on this journey of comfort and pioneering into your next measure of Breakthrough,…remember that God is by your side, Ready to bring Healing, Restoration, and direction.,.

..Trust in His Comforting Presence, Ask for His Strength, and rely on His all-knowing nature to lead you…

..Ha!! With God leading the way, you can confidently step into your next measure with Hope, Courage, and anticipation for the Greater things He has in store for you to possess…; HE GOES BEFORE YOU…SO LEAP INTO THE FUTURE WITH FAITH!

Read; Isaiah 40…

..He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

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