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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; From Boundaries to Breakthrough..!

…From Boundaries to Breakthrough Embracing God’s Promises and Supernatural Power”…

..God is the Great Way Maker and Promise Keeper,…Let’s look at Zechariah 2..& 4…; God is at work and all His good deeds, including the construction of the Second Temple, are accomplished “not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit.”..

..As you read these verses, allow the words to sink deep into your heart and let the promises of God fill you with hope and excitement…

…Ask God to extend a new measuring line over your life…Just as Zechariah witnessed the Rebuilding and Restoration of Jerusalem, you too can experience a new measure of joy and blessings in your own life.

..Allow God to set new boundaries for you…and let Him expand your capacity to receive a new level and dimension of His joy and favor.

Declare; “LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure….; The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places”..!

…Additionally, Ask God to open your eyes to Angelic activity around you…

…Zechariah saw a Vision of an Angel measuring Jerusalem, signifying Divine Protection and guidance over the city.

…Similarly, God has assigned Angels to watch over and minister to His children…

..See Psalms 91…!

…By asking God to open your spiritual eyes, you can become more aware of the Angelic presence surrounding you, providing comfort, guidance, and divine protection…

…Zechariah’s vision of a golden lampstand symbolises Christ as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God. The substance of the lampstand was pure gold, which symbolizes God the Father in His divine nature. This gold was beaten into the form of a lampstand, which symbolizes God the Son, who is the embodiment of God the Father…The seven shining lamps symbolize God the Spirit as the Seven Spirits of God for the expression of the Father in the Son.

…The three attributes of the lamp-stand its substance, its shape, and its shining expression all symbolise the three of the Divine Trinity..the Father,…the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

…Today you can have absolute confidence and strength to face any mountain that stands in your way…knowing that the Triune God,…the Divine Empowerment of the Seven Spirits has taken up residence in your heart…and will equip and enable you to Overcome in Victory…

..As you meditate on these truths and seek the Lord for direction, remember that the journey towards a new measure of joy and moving mountains requires faith and action…

..Trust that God will do what He has promised and be willing to step out in obedience as He leads you forward into Breakthrough…

…Allow His measuring line to redefine your boundaries, open your eyes to the supernatural realm, and release His Spirit’s power to conquer every mountain you encounter…

Finally, Consider starting a journal of your experiences and revelations throughout this process…

…Take note of the ways God has extended a new measuring line over your life, the Angelic activity you’ve discerned, and the mountains that have begun to move…

…Your testimony will not only encourage yourself but also inspire others to seek a new measure of joy and faith in their own lives.,.

…Remember, God’s desire is for His children to experience abundant joy, supernatural provision, and Victory over every obstacle..!

Pray; Father God I want to do everything by your Spirit, for you’re the Lord of hosts and I need You in every way for everything.

Today I praise You for Your promise to give me your strength to overcome, and to do all that You call me to do. I pray all of this, in total dependence on You,..and in Praise and gratitude for Your promise to give me all I need by your spirit, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; From Boundaries to Breakthrough..!

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