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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

…Today Let’s delve deeper into God’s Redemptive plan for our lives, let’s turn our attention to Isaiah 52:1-6, where there is a Call to Awaken to the fullness of this plan resounds…

…It is a Call to shake off the Remnants of the last Season and Step into the New,..and fully embrace the Freedom that comes from being Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus…

This powerful passage reminds us to loose ourselves from any and all demonic captivity that may still hold us captive….whether it be in the form of sin, shame, guilt, or unforgiveness,…

…God wants us to break us free from the chains of bondage and oppression,…that we may experience the Liberty and Victory that only He can provide….

…The Father longs for us to walk in the fullness of His Redemption,..unhindered and undeterred by the shackles of our past…

…We can be sure that on this journey we will certainly face many obstacles and difficult challenges that threaten to hinder and derail our progress and even rob us of our Destiny….; Doubt, fear, and temptation will always try to pull us back into the captivity we once knew…

…FEAR NOT!..For we can take comfort in knowing that God’s Redemptive plan is rooted in His Unfailing love and faithfulness towards us….He promises to strengthen and uphold us, equipping us with the necessary strategies to overcome any barriers in our path…

..Friend,…In order to fully receive His Redemptive plan, we are called to find our abiding place in Him and be seated..; This speaks of finding our Rest and Security in God alone. It is only when we Abide in Him that we can experience the fullness of His plan and divine purpose for our lives.

…When we fully Surrender Control and Trust in His guidance, we position ourselves to walk in the path of Redemption that He has laid out for us…

..In finding our abiding place in Him, we are also urged to PUT ON a New garment of Victory. This is Prophetically symbolic of the transformation that takes place when we accept God’s Redemptive plan for our lives.

…The Gift of Salvation makes us part of a…‘DIVINE EXCHANGE PROGRAM’….where we exchange our filthy,..old, and tattered garments of defeat and death – for New and pristine Royal garments of Freedom and Victory…

…Royal Garments that symbolise the full Authority,..Restoration and Renewal that comes from walking in the freedom that Jesus offers through His Precious Blood….

…BE OF GOOD COURAGE,…; God’s Redemptive plan is a journey that requires our active participation…It calls us to Awaken, and to loose ourselves from captivity, to find our Abiding place in Him, and to put on a New Garment of Victory….

…As we embrace HIS PLAN,..we will discover the Abundant life that God has designed for us to Inherit..

…”He gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone…This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time”….1 Tim 2;6

…Let’s Pray,..”Father,..May we continually seek to walk in the fullness of Your Redemption plan, allowing You to transform me and lead me into a life of Abundance,…divine purpose and fulfilment for Your Glory..! Amen.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

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