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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours through Christ..! 

Let’s Sing and Praise Him with Psalm 23…

Pray for the Restoration of your Body,.Soul and Spirit…

Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and declare a New level of Purpose and fulfilment in this Season.

…Decree Abundant life based on; Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, and John 10:10

…Today Take time to reflect on how your Soul has been depleted and in need of restoration. Acknowledge any areas of weakness, pain, or emptiness that you may be experiencing. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest with yourself and with God as you Spend time in His Presence..!

…As you sing or praise with Psalm 23,… Meditate on the Lord as your Good Shepherd, who leads you beside still waters and Restores your weary soul…; Truly believe that He is the Great Restorer and He desires to Restore and renew every part of your being…

In your prayer for the Restoration of your soul, pour out your heart to God. Confess any sins or areas of brokenness that may be hindering your soul’s Restoration…; Ask Him to cleanse and heal you, filling you with His Supernatural Peace and Joy.

Recognize that your soul is the essence of who you are – your mind, emotions, and will. It is the part of you that longs for connection with God and yearns for fulfillment.

..By understanding this connection, you can better nurture and care for your soul..; With a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment, read Deuteronomy 26:16-19.

  • Declare that you will walk in alignment with God’s commands and follow His ways.
  • Proclaim that you are dedicated to living a life that brings glory to Him and fulfills the purpose He has for you.

As you decree Abundant life based on Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, and John 10:10, believe that God desires to provide for your every need.

  • Release any anxiety or worry about your future into His hands, knowing that He is faithful to take care of you.

Embrace the truth that He wants you to experience a life full of Abundance and Blessing, not just in material possessions, but also in Love, Joy, Peace, and divine purpose.

Throughout the day,..Allow His words to permeate your thoughts, shaping your perspective and renewing your mind – Trust that as you seek Restoration for your soul and align your life with God’s will, He will bring about a glorious transformation, healing, and fulfilment in every area of your life for His Glory.

Warrior decree with me;

In this season of manifest promise and power, I will taste and see that the LORD is good.

I will eat of His goodness and drink of His love and liberty, for this is the time of singing and celebration.

I am being propelled and catapulted forward into a place of greater increase and influence.

I am becoming more fruitful and more faithful in all that I put my hands to.

I will bloom and blossom with the beauty of heaven.

I will carry the fragrance of the King wherever I go.

My winter season is over.

I will rejoice as a Son and Daughter of the king, and I will dance, sing and clap My hands.

New songs shall come forth from My heart as the seed of promise, power and supernatural potential breaks forth from the place of dormancy and darkness.

I am stepping into My new season.

I prophesy:  As God’s mighty Warriors, you are springing forward into a new season of singing, celebration and increase!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

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