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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength..!

..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength: A Journey of Restoration and Renewal”..!

Read Psalms 39, 66, and 80…

…As you start your day, immerse yourself in the wisdom and strength of the Psalms…

Open your heart to the words of Psalms 39, 66, and 80, allowing each verse to wash over you and minister deeply into your spirit…

…Let the Psalms remind you of God’s faithfulness,..and His ability to not only restore but reverse wasted time and years,…Let it remind you of His Redemptive Power to quicken your mortal body,..enlarge your spiritual capacity and give you supernatural strength.

Declare;…This is the Season of Divine Restoration…All wasted time will be reversed…and Fully Restored.

…In faith,..declare with boldness that the Years the Locusts have eaten will be Restored….; Speak it out loud, feel the power behind your Words, and believe that God is working to redeem every lost opportunity, every delay, and every setback…

…Trust that God is faithful to restore what has been lost and make all things new…

…Thank God for the trials and even testings that you are going through,..; Though it may be hard,…exhausting and even difficult, recognise that these challenges are opportunities for spiritual growth and Character development…

…Acknowledge that these tests are not meant to break you, but to enlarge your capacity for greatness….; GOD IS WORKING ALL THINGS FOR YOUR GOOD AND HIS GLORY..

…Declare with confidence that through these trials, you will become stronger, wiser, patient,..long suffering and more resilient…

…Beloved,..Stir up your strength and cry, “Restore! Restore!…Restore!”…

…Tap into the wellspring of Supernatural Strength that is within you….Stir up the determination and God given resilience that lies dormant inside…and Cry out to God,..pleading for Restoration in every area of your life…

Ask Him to restore the missed opportunities, broken relationships, and even shattered dreams and unfulfilled Visions…

…And Believe that as you cry out to Him with sincerity and in faith,…He will hear and answer your prayers….!

…Day after day, let us continue to meditate on these truths, allowing them to permeate every aspect of our being.

…As you do so, you will begin to see the divine reversals of wasted time and the enlargement of your strength begin to unfold in your life…

…Choose to Trust in God’s faithfulness and His ability to turn every setback into a setup for your success…and Breakthrough!!

…Come Up Higher…and Step forward with confidence, knowing that the best days are yet to come…to the Glory of God!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength..!

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