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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;.. Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!

..Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..! 

Let’s Read Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:31

..Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in all areas of your life..; Surrender your desires and ambitions to God’s Will and purpose..

Pray for a manifestation of the Spirit of Wisdom in your life,…Ask Holy Spirit to Sharpen your Gift of Discernment to know how to prioritise God’s kingdom in your daily choices and decisions..

Declare…that you will actively pursue the Kingdom of God first and trust Him to provide for all your needs..

So as begin this new day, let’s meditate on Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:31…; Let these words sink deep into your heart and mind, reminding you of the importance of seeking and pursuing God’s kingdom above all else.

Take a moment to reflect on your life and identify areas where you have not been rightly aligned or where other things have taken first place…

Are there areas where your desires and goals have taken precedence over God’s Will?

…Let’s Surrender all these areas to Him, acknowledging that His plans and purposes are higher and better than our own…

..Whether it is in your work, relationships, or even in your leisure activities, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you how to align your life with His will.

• Trust Him to provide for all your needs as you seek to live according to His Righteous standards.

Believe that as you prioritize His kingdom, He will take care of your every need, both spiritually and physically…

Throughout the day, remind yourself of your commitment to seek and pursue God’s Heart and His kingdom purposes above all else…

Let it be a constant reminder of your ultimate purpose and calling in life…; When distractions arise or when the world tempts you to focus on temporary pleasures and aspirations, refocus your thoughts and actions on God’s eternal Kingdom.

At the end of the day, take some time to reflect on how seeking and pursuing God’s kingdom has impacted your day…

  • Have you experienced a greater sense of peace and fulfillment?
  • Have you witnessed God’s provision in unexpected ways?

Thank Him for His faithfulness and ask for His continued guidance as you Seek to live a life that is centered on Seeking first the Kingdom and His Righteousness…

Remember that seeking and pursuing God’s Kingdom is a lifelong journey…It requires daily surrender, intentional decision-making, and wholehearted dedication to doing things Gods Way…

Embrace this journey with enthusiasm and expectation, knowing that as you put God’s Kingdom first, He will bless you abundantly and use your life for His Glory…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;.. Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!

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