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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

..Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..A Journey of Understanding and Apostolic Covering..!

…So let’s look at any areas of Spiritual Warfare that you may have been experiencing recently…

…Prayerfully Meditate on what these battles may signify and ask God for Clarity,…and to bring discernment in understanding the spiritual realm…

…Now Take time to study and reflect on; 2 Corinthians 10 and Ephesians 4..& 6,…you will see that these key passages provide important insights into the nature of spiritual warfare and the important role of Apostolic Covering in the Body of Christ…

…Pay attention to any specific instructions or admonitions given in these passages that may apply to your current situation…

..Approach God in prayer, specifically asking Him for understanding of the Spiritual Warfare happening around you. Seek His guidance on how to navigate these battles, recognizing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

…Paul states that we will not fight this war with physical weapons, but with spiritual ones. The spiritual weapons that we wield carry the Divine Power to destroy strongholds of demonic activity…

…It’s vital to Seek God’s specific purposes and plans for your life….; Ask Him to reveal any areas where you may be walking in disobedience or out of right alignment with His will. Surrender yourself to Him, allowing Him to guide and direct your steps in the spiritual battle…

Read; Eph 6…; Putting on the Full Armour of God at the Beginning of everyday..!

..Take practical steps to align yourself with God’s purposes and plans….This may involve seeking advice and counsel from trusted spiritual leaders, engaging in specific spiritual disciplines such as fasting and prayer, and actively participating in the work of the kingdom…

…Stay Alert,…vigilant and attentive,…Pay attention to any spiritual attacks or signs of warfare, and seek God’s wisdom on how to respond in the right way…

…Remember that you are not alone in this battle – The Holy Spirit is with you, and He has provided Apostolic connections and covering,..and spheres of Godly Authority that can help to support and strengthen you on your journey towards greater Transformation…

…Most importantly,…Continually seek God’s Wisdom and Guidance throughout your journey in understanding Spiritual warfare and how to overcome in Victory…!

…This is an ongoing process of growth and learning, so remain open and teachable, allowing God to refine and shape you for His purposes…

…Trust that He will equip you with everything you need to Stand strong in the midst of every spiritual battle to fulfill your Kingdom Calling..!

Pray; …Lord, I acknowledge that prayer is the most powerful weapon against the attacks of the enemy. Help me to pray without ceasing, to keep You in total focus.

Teach me to rely on Your strength and guidance in all situations, knowing that in You, I am a Mighty OVERCOMER,…

Thank you for the privilege of prayer, through which I can communicate with You and find refuge in Your Presence.

Heavenly Father, I commit myself to live a life rooted in prayer, seeking Your Divine protection and guidance each day.….

I surrender my desires, my thoughts, and my very being to you. Grant me the wisdom and discernment to recognize the schemes of the enemy and the strength to overcome them. Lead me on the path of righteousness, for Your Names sake.

…“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
(Ephesians 6:12)

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

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