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Prophets of Purity Must Rise and Go Higher in this Hour

..A Word to the Prophets;…Please don’t use your prophetic platform as a way to give voice to your flesh and then vent about things you don’t agree with,…and then put…”Thus Saith the Lord”…at the end…; Prophetic platforms must not become a Cowards Castle..; True Prophesy demands Purity…; True Prophesy must Only Speak for God..#Prophets Must Go Higher..!

…Come on Prophets,…it is time to Rise above the temptation to use our platforms for personal gain or to promote our own agendas…

…We have been entrusted with a sacred gift, a weighty Office…the ability to hear from God and to speak on His behalf…the Office of Prophet comes with great accountability and responsibility…

Let us not succumb to the allure of venting our frustrations or using our Prophetic Voices to push our own biases and personal prejudice.

..Instead, let us seek Purity above all in our Prophetic utterances. Every word we speak must be carefully filtered through the lens of God’s truth and love….

Our duty as Prophets is to accurately convey the messages of the God to those who have ears to hear, NOT to satisfy our own desires or opinions.

…We must be bold and courageous, speaking only what God has truly spoken to us. The phrase “Thus Saith the Lord” should never be taken lightly or used flippantly….IT IS TIME FOR THE PROPHETS TO WALK IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD…

…Prophetic platforms should not be used as a shield, a place to hide from criticism or avoid accountability. We must be willing to stand behind every word we deliver, knowing that we speak for the Almighty. Our integrity and humility must shine through in every prophecy we proclaim is from God.

As Prophets, we are called to a higher standard.

…Our mission is to align ourselves with the divine plan and carry out God’s will on earth.

..With this comes the responsibility to continuously seek spiritual growth, to refine our discernment, and to humbly submit ourselves to the authority of God.

So, fellow prophets, let us remember our sacred calling. Let us strive for Greater Purity in our Prophetic voices, for it is only through pure prophecy that we can truly serve as vessels for God’s messages.

…May we go higher, reaching new heights in our connection with the Father and in our commitment to speaking only what God wants to be spoken…!


Prophets of Purity Must Rise and Go Higher in this Hour

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