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Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion”…; By Veronika West

…So recently Apostle Chuck Pierce came to visit, and towards the end of the meeting, a young woman from Switzerland 🇨🇭 was given liberty to share something with those who were gathered in the meeting.

In her hand she held three (3) Envelopes which contained shredded Swiss Bank Notes, and she declared that The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭 would no longer rely upon the god of Mamanon (my interpretation of her words) — but that the Nation would turn to God.

It was a short and rather simple Prophetic Declaration — but you could feel a tangible sense of Spirit of The Fear of The LORD on everything that was being released.

Now, after the meeting and my return home, I felt to go into my Prayer Hut and Pray, as I felt that there was something of “Unfinished Business” in the realm of The Spirit.

So, as I went into an extended time of Prayer, The Spirit began to speak these Words to me, “Watch! For I AM raising up a new Gold Standard in The Nations at this time!”

Then I hear the Words, ”Babylon versus Zion!…

…Watch! For a Divine Dismantling of Economic Structures that are rooted in Babylonian Financial Systems will take place in the days ahead.

For I will deal a death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah, and My Governing Hand will move to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.

I tell you, it’s Time for The Tower of Babel to begin to fall, in the year of The Open Door….

Yes! For I AM raising up a New Gold Standard in The Nations, that will bring forth New Currencies and New Economic structures, that will bring to birth a great transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the Righteous.

I say, watch The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭, for a global Economic Earthquake is coming that will cause a mighty ripple effect across The Nations, which will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations.

Again I say, I will deal a death blow to the defiled Altars of Baal and The Tower of Babel will surely fall!

I say, it’s Time to take back The Gates! Take back The Gates — for I shall build and establish a New Financial Zion in its place!” says The Spirit of God

Then The LORD quickened to me the following;

“And The LORD came down to see the city and The Tower, which the children of Adam were building…….” Genesis 11:5

I knew by The Spirit that the Voice that was declaring these things to me, was the Voice of the Righteous Judge of Heaven.

This was the Sound of Justice and Judgment rising over the Nations from The Court Room of Heaven!

Friends, get ready, for the days ahead will be as I have prophesied many times in past months, ”Days known as the Best and Worst of Times!”

Watch! For the Fat Ones will Come forth in a time of Great Famine.” (For more on this see here)

I submit prophetically, we will see the Rise of a New Gold Standard in The Nations.

We must take note of the Words; “Babylon vs Zion”! A Divine Confrontation will take place as two Altars Rise.

“Listen! For The Sound of the Clashing of the Swords of Titans (Babylon vs Zion) will reverberate across the Nations.

A sound will rise that will signal a divine dismantling of Economic structures and institutions that are deeply rooted in Babylonian Financial systems.

….I say, Brace! Brace! For The LORD is going to deal a sudden death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah in the coming days — and His Governmental Hand will move in swiftly to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.

We will see, ”The Tower of Babel” — which we know symbolises, human pride, arrogance, stiff-necked and Rebellious Leaders — and even Nations — that will start to crack and crumble in the Year of the Open Door.

….Pay Attention! For the Voice of The Seven Spirits is speaking a Word of ‘Governmental Establishment’ of a New Gold Standard in the Earth realm, that will birth new types of Currencies — and even reshape the Financial and Economic landscape of many Nations!

I believe prophetically, that this Promised Transformation within Nations in the coming decade, will bring about a Great Transfer of Wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the Righteous.

The Nation of Switzerland is being highlighted in this hour. Switzerland will become as a focal point for a Global Economic Earthquake that will send powerful ripples across Nations.

When this Economic Earthquake takes place, it will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations and a Divine Dismantling is beginning to take place!

In the days ahead, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will continue to emphasise the coming destruction of the defiled altars of Baal, the inevitable fall of the Tower of Babel — and the Rebuilding of Righteous Altars In their place!

”Watch! For a New Financial Zion will be built and established in the days to come.”

Wake Up! For there is a Clarion Call being made in this Season of Divine Restore, to take back The Gates and Reclaim what rightfully belongs to The LORD!

The above verse Genesis 11:5 — I Prophesy, Nations have entered into the 11th hour!

This Verse is of poignant prophetic significance and importance,

“And The LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of Adam were building…..” Genesis 11:5-9 see full verses below.

This powerful verse also serves as a stark reminder in this hour, that God Examines the hearts and motives behind what is being constructed.

…The Father never judges based on the size of our Churches, or our gatherings, but He weighs each individual and Nation in the balance.

The Spirit of The LORD is urging His people in this hour, to remember that He will share His Glory with no man!

The Tower of Babel may have appeared impressive — but when God came down — He saw the true condition of their hearts.

Therefore, it is essential that both individuals and Nations, are not found wanting in this critical hour!

The Eyes of The LORD is Watching, Examining, and Evaluating Everything that is being built in this hour…

So, let Purity and Righteousness guide our actions, our motives, and all our endeavors in order to Rightly Align with God’s divine purposes in the coming days!

“But The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And The LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So The LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there The LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there The LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” Genesis 11:5-9

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

See Link;

Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard;



Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion”…; By Veronika West

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