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Reuben : A Fire Shall Light In This Land by Ernie Simms

My Fire shall spread...

A Fire shall light in this land, My Fire shall spread. My Fire shall break forth and burst through, My Fire shall be unstoppable.

..My Fire shall cover this Nation, saith the Lord.

…And I say unto you, people will come running to catch the fire.  And I say, I will go across the border, and I shall spread My fires in the South of Ireland, because they will be hungry.  And when they see what is happening, they will want to be a part of it.

Whether they have known much about Me or not, they will See it’s the Fire of Life. It’s the Fire of God and they will want to become a part of it.


…And I say unto you many outbreaks all over Ireland shall rise, and there shall be fires all over,…

…I say unto you I have even connected some to the Hub over this last while and they shall carry the fires from their Hubs in the south of Ireland also, especially around the bottom end and on up the side.

And I say unto you, the people will run to them and they will fill the houses, fill the buildings whenever they have to get buildings, and things will spread too!


…My fire will spread, as well as the spreading of the Gospel. And I say miracles, signs and wonders shall break out. Many will be healed delivered and set free.


…And I say this is the Time for Ireland.….

Ireland is going to be on FIRE….And I say Ireland shall be the talk of the world where many are spoken about for wars and rumours of wars.

…But Ireland will be spoken about the Fire of God.

And I say unto you move forward in these days, move forward do not hesitate in anything, do not hold back but I say advance, because I shall place My fire upon each one of you. So carry My fire.


…You are My fire carriers saith the Lord,…and open up different things in different places and ignite that fire and ignite those people and the fire will spread and spread and spread. So rise up My people in these days and do not fear or worry because no government, no police, nothing will stop you when they see the fire! I say they will run, they will run saith the Lord,…

And you will go and you will see the people lighting up.


…They will light those fires and they shall spread like wildfire in Australia. I say it will just burn and burn and burn and the people will be coming forth with great testimonies. Great messages and great visitations, great visitations because I will visit many, I will visit many and they will have visitations to speak of and as they speak of the visitations, people will get saved on the spot at the testimonies.


…So I say I am going to see many saved and poured out in many different ways in the days ahead. So get ready, prepare yourself to move and to get fired saith the Lord because it is coming.

Prophetic Word by; Ernie Simms from House of Reuben 13th January 2024

Reuben : A Fire Shall Light In This Land by Ernie Simms

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