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Revealing Battle Plans for Redeeming the Times and Seasons

Veronika's blueprint
Veronika's blueprint
Hand drawn blueprint diagram
Veronika's blueprint

God by His Grace continues to release Blueprints to us, for the next phase of Building and Establishing Prayer and Worship Altars both in Ireland and to The Nations.

In the early hours of the morning of 22nd August, I was sitting with The Father, when again I became aware of an Angel of The LORD standing before me, (I have mentioned this Angel before) carrying Scrolls.

As I began to Pray in The Spirit — keeping my eyes fixed on The Father, and leaning into The Voice of The Holy Spirit — I saw a Scroll being unraveled before me, and this is what it looked like. To the best of my ability, I have drawn something of what was revealed to me in the image attached to this post.  Once again, there are multiple layers of Revelation that will begin to unfold in the Seasons ahead, but what I believe God is doing, is Revealing something of an Apostolic and Prophetic Framework that speaks to the revealing of the next phase of the assignments and mandate of Ireland’s Destiny Hub (IDH).

I believe God is clearly showing me through this unfolding Prophetic Template of the Building and Establishing of the Twelve (12) Prayer and Worship Altars, that He is beginning a Divine Work to Redeem and Restore the times and seasons over this nation, and to The Nations.  The mandate of IDH — and the Apostolic and Prophetic Assignment of IDH — is for the Redeeming, Restoring, and the Reformation of the Times and Seasons” for Kingdom Advancement and Occupation!  As we align with the Blueprints, He will work a Work of Transformation and Reformation, as the unique and diverse giftings callings and mandates of each House/ Stone, is restored to rebuild the Altars.  As you can see, I have written some of the specific details being downloaded to me from The Spirit of Revelation, (my doodles)!

The first thing I heard as I was shown this Diagram was, ”Watch! Listen, and pay close attention, for I AM releasing the Blueprints and Battle Plans for the Redeeming and Restoration of the Times and Seasons!  I say, Tick-tock, Tick-tock go the hands of Heaven’s Clock, for now is the time — an Appointed Time — a Kairos Time — a time to Strike!  Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike the Arrows on the ground.  For only a small window of time stands open before the Destiny of Nations in this hour!  I say, get into position, and be aligned with Heaven’s Time!”

“Watch, for the Eagles are rising, for the Arrows of Awakening must go forth into The Nations with greater accuracy and precision — Arrows carried on the wings of the Great Eagles — Arrows carrying the twelve (12) Keys of Isaiah 22 – Keys of the House of David.  For the Keys of The House of David shall unlock the twelve (12) Gates to The City!  Again I say, its time to arise in the Apostolic and Prophetic Grace to take the Gates!  Arise My Sons, for you must take the Gates to the North, South, East and West.  Listen! At the sound of the Roar, the Great Eagles will soar! Now arise and take the twelve (12) Keys that will unlock the Gates to the Cities of The Seven Mountains.”

“Tick-tock, Tick-tock, go the hands of the clock. Watch as I take Nations back to the future — back to My original intent — back to the Covenant Foundations on which The Nations were built!  Watch and Pray! For the hands of Heaven’s Redemptive Clock go Tick-tock, Tick-tock, like the wheel within the wheel, so the hands of My Redemptive Clock are moving, moving, moving and advancing — for this is the Hour of War — a War that is raging over the Times and Seasons.  Watch! As I raise up the twelve (12) Keys to go forth to take possession and occupy the seven (7) Mountains, for the time of Divine Reversals, Restoration and Reformation has begun!  So, get ready! Get ready — to move at My Command!  I say this is the hour for a Kingdom Takeover, as My Righteous Revolutionaries rise within The Nations.  I say, send forth the Angel Armies of Exodus 23:20, to prepare the way before you, for there is a Battle now taking place at the Gates, as the devourer seeks to alter the Times and Seasons!  But fear not! Watch! For surely I tell you, I shall give you the Victory through the five (5) [Five-fold Ministry Arrow Strikes], and the heads of the seven (7) [Ruling Principalities over the 7 Mountains — Seven Headed Serpent Spirit]… on a Silver Plate at the Gate!”

Prophetic Summary and Some Interpretation of the Diagram Shown

Early morning encounter with an Angel of The LORD reveals again what is multilayered in prophetic symbolism.

  1. Clock Face, a Compass and a Wheel-within-a-Wheel.
  2. Scroll being unraveled is Revealing something of an apostolic and prophetic framework for building and establishing 12 Prayer and Worship Altars/Houses..

The Diagram shows the 12 Tribes/ Houses/ Prayer-Worship Altars in the Order of how they Advance starting at top (the 12) — The House/ Tribe of Judah GOING first — followed by the House of Issachar (the 11)…then the House/ Tribe of Zebulun…

I was shown the time of the clock going in an anti-clockwise direction.  This speaks prophetically to Divine Reversal of time — God beginning the work of Divine Restoration through the mandate of each Tribe/ House…  What is shown is that there is a Divine Convergence of Purpose as the Apostolic and Prophetic Mandates of each House advance together.  The Assignment and Mandate of IDH is being revealed in specific details.  Heaven is releasing the Blueprints and Battle plans for redeeming and restoring times and seasons… through the Prayer and Worship Altars Rising that will cause a ripple effect.  There is an Importance of watching, listening, and paying attention to what is being revealed and released…

There is an Urgency and timing being two Warnings;

  1. There is an Appointed time to strike..
  2. Only a Small window of time is Standing Open for the Destiny of Nations..

The role of 12 Eagles and the Arrows of Awakening… which carry forth the Blueprints for the Seasons Ahead.  The rise of the Great Eagles and the accuracy and precision of the arrows of Awakening are being highlighted.  Architect Angels Carrying the Blueprints and the twelve (12) keys of Isaiah 22, which are to be released for the Opening of the Gates.  A Call for Arising of the Sons in the Power and Authority of apostolic and prophetic grace to take the possession at the Gates.

  1. Taking the gates in all directions
  2. Unlocking the gates to the cities of the seven mountains

God is Shaking Nations. For now there is a Divine Returning of Nations back to their original intent and covenant foundations.

  1. Hands of heaven’s redemptive clock is moving with great precision and acceleration — Urgency
  2. War raging over the times and seasons — Satan looks yet again to Alter the Times…

The 12 Apostolic and Prophetic Hubs/ Houses will be built and established that will go forth to possess and occupy The Seven Mountains…

  1. Divine reversals, restoration, and reformation is HERE!
  2. Moving at God’s command for a kingdom takeover — Righteous Revolution Rising.

A call to Action and Preparation!

  1. Sending forth angel armies to prepare the way – Angel Armies of Exodus 23:20
  2. Battle at the gates against the devourer (7) Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites ; “For My angel will go before you and bring you in to the land of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will completely destroy them”..!!

As we Awake, Arise, Shine and Advance, God gives an Assurance of Victory and defeat of our enemies at the Gates!


See other link: Architect Angels : “Architect Angels Carrying Heavenly Blueprints

“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.” Exodus 23:20

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Revealing Battle Plans for Redeeming the Times and Seasons

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