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Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

The Enemies Lies

Warning! – A word of the Lord from Veronika West 20/11/2023

Warning — Satan’s Assignment In this hour — To Divide God’s People and to Stop them possessing the Great promise that has been reserved and preserved for them to Inherit!

In the realm of Spiritual Warfare, a battle is constantly being fought between the spiritual forces of good and evil, Light and darkness, Truth and deception….

One of the key strategies employed by the enemy, Satan, in this hour is to divide and conquer.  Satan understands the power, strength and great blessing and reward found in Unity, and thus, his assignment is to break the bonds that hold God’s People together!

From the very beginning, Satan has been at work trying to create division among God’s People.  In the Garden of Eden, he successfully planted doubt in Eve’s mind, causing her to question God’s instructions.  This demonic assignment of division, ultimately led to the fall of humanity and the separation from God’s perfect Plan, Peace and Presence.  Throughout history, we can observe Satan’s handiwork in dividing God’s people. From the division of the Israelites during the time of the judges to the numerous denominational splits in Christianity, the enemy has successfully created rifts and disagreements among believers since the beginning of time.

One of the primary weapons Satan uses to divide God’s People is deception.  He employs lies and distortions to twist the truth and create confusion and double mindedness. By sowing seeds of doubt and miscommunication, he is able to create disunity and discord among God’s People.  This disunity weakens The Body and hinders its ability to fulfill its God-given Promise and Purpose.

Another tool Satan uses is the sin of pride.  By fueling pride and self-centeredness, he encourages individuals to prioritize their own agendas and desires rather than seeking the greater good for The Body of Christ.  This self-centeredness and navel gazing behaviour only breeds greater division and animosity, as believers become solely focused on their own interests, rather than the Unity of The Body for Kingdom Advancement.  Hence, this is why many believers keep going round and round the same mountain! Their wilderness experience is never ending, and the breakthrough they long for is further delayed and derailed!

Furthermore, Satan will always try to instigate conflicts and disagreements within The Body.  He manipulates circumstances and magnifies minor differences, causing many to turn against one another.  Satan knows that a house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:22-28), and therefore he seeks to weaken and disarm the body by breeding division and strife.

However, despite Satan’s relentless efforts, those who have the Gift of Discernment and are walking in the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding are not without Hope or Direction!  The Bible encourages believers to be Alert, Awake and Aware of Satan’s relentless schemes to divide and isolate and to stand firm in Unity and in One Accord. (Romans 15:6).  In Ephesians 4:3, the apostle Paul urges believers to, “make every effort to keep the Unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”  This will require HumilityLove, and an unwavering Commitment to put aside our personal differences and self seeking agendas for the greater good of God’s Kingdom!

Blessings to you all.

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

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