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Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!


I hear The Spirit say, ”Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening! — The Birthing of a New Breed of Breakers!

It’s Time — a Kairos Time — a Time of the Breaker Mantle has come — a Time of Great Awakening — a Time for the Rains of Restoration and Revival!

Listen! The Sound of The Breaker! The Breaker shall awaken the foundations of Nations to their Kingdom Identity and Destiny.

Watch! For the ground is fertile for the Seed, for the Seed of Destiny shall suddenly be awakened in the hearts of men, and that which has been prophesied, and that which has laid dormant shall suddenly spring to life.

I say, it’s Time for a Divine Convergence, when the New and Ancient Prophesies shall to come to pass suddenly on the earth!

Listen! For The Sound of The Breaker is here!

The Sound of Distinction will herald a great Harvest in the midst of War, for have I not said that if the Trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?”

Then I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch! For My Breaker Anointing will be a divine deposit in the fertile soil in the Covenant Foundations of The Nations, that will break open Ancient Gates of the Eternal realm, that will cause a greater manifestation of My Glory in the earth realm — for this will be a heavenly invasion for a Glory habitation in The Nations!”

So, recently, God showed and revealed to us a Powerful Vision in our War Room.

God showed us the blade of plow breaking through hard ground, and the blade was turning over the hard and rocky soil.

And the Spirit of God spoke to me saying, ”Watch! For the blade of the Apostolic and Prophetic Plow has begun to move!

The blade of the Apostolic and Prophetic Plow is now beginning to break up the hard and fallowed ground.”

Then God showed me an Army of Angels standing at attention, and I saw that they were Waiting and Watching — and as soon as the Apostolic and Prophetic Plow began to move, the Angels broke rank and rushed towards the Plow, and then I saw the Ecclesia rising, and they began to march behind the Plow — and as the Plow moved and advanced forward.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the voices of the Remnant rise with powerful Prophetic Decrees and Declarations, and I watched as their Words became as heavy Gold Coins that fell into the ground like Seeds.

AI image of gold coins planted in field

Then I watched as the Army Angels were being deployed into all The Nations at the sound of the Ecclesia’s Decree, and I watched as the Gold Coins fell like seeds into the Soil, and I saw Generational Curses of Poverty, Lack and Barrenness being broken off the land and Nation(s)!

And then I heard The Spirit say, ”Listen! I say to you, Watch!

For a New Breed of Breakers is being birthed on the earth!

A New Breed of Breakers are now emerging!

A New Breed of Breakers is rising to break! Break! Break and shatter to pieces the altars of Baal!

I say, Get ready! For a New Breed Breakers is here!

A New Breed of Breakers who will break up the fallowed ground and turn over the Soil in preparation for the Living Seed!

I say, not by might — nor by power — but by My Spirit,” says The LORD.

“See, this mighty Breed of Kingdom Breakers will move and have their being in total Surrender and Radical Obedience — for they are Anointed and Appointed to Uproot and Tear-down, to break and smash to pieces every demonic stronghold and stranglehold in high places.

Listen! There is a sound of a Cry — a piercing cry — like that of a Mother in labour, for this is the sound that shall be heard coming from the ones who will weep and travail between the Porch and the Altar for the Destiny and Birthright of the Next Generation.

At the Sound of the Lion’s Roar, the Eagles will soar and they will carry The Sound of Heaven that will break open portals and atmospheres, that shall invite and make way for the Glory of God to come and inhabit their praises.

These are the violent, mighty New Breed of Breakers on the Earth — Holy and Anointed Ones — who know how to push through until they break through, and break to pieces the arrows in their hands.

Ha! These are the New Breed of Breakers who are bold, fierce and courageous, and have been Anointed and Armed with the Battle Axe of Awakening and Reformation.

Yes! This New Breed of Breakers shall go forth to confront the counterfeit and cause great chaos and disruption in the devil’s camp.

A New Breed of Light Bearers and Glory Carries who will bring Divine Exposure to the demonic realm.

Watch, as demonic powers and principalities bow down and flee in every direction at the very sight of this New Breed of Overcomers and Mighty Destroyers.

I say this New Breed of Breakers will be known as The Mighty Destroyers, who have destroyed the destroyer of destinies.

Watch! As this New Breed of Breakers go forth to agitate and even instigate war against the enemy in the days ahead.

I call them My Double Trouble Makers! No longer will My Breakers tolerate the altars of Baal and the rule of Jezebel and Ahab.

These Double Troublers — these Mighty Breakers — will become an Army of Madmen from the Seed of Jehu for this next generation.

They are the Undignified — but undeterred — by the distractions and schemes of the devil.

They are the Fiery — Burning Breakers — who carry a flame that cannot be quenched.

They are the Living Sacrifices — My Brave Heart Breakers who are Keepers of The Flame.

They are the Radical — they are My Redeemed Reformers.

They are Mountain Movers — and Giant Slayers — and Water Walkers!

They are the Mighty New Breed of Breakers being Birthed in the Earth, for such as time as this!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!

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