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Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

Imagine, if you will, a majestic throne – not fashioned of earthly materials, but carved from radiant clouds, shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Upon it, seated at the epicenter of all creation, rests the Almighty, cloaked in majesty beyond our earthly comprehension. This is the throne of God, a canvas upon which His glory is eternally painted.

Yet, our God is not a distant king, enthroned in cold and sterile splendour. His glory, while awe-inspiring, is not a blinding light that obliterates, but a symphony of love that resonates through every fibre of His being. It weaves its way down from the celestial heights, bathing His throne in a halo of warmth and compassion. For God’s glory is not about Himself, but about the immensity of His love for His creation, which includes every one of us.

Picture waves of His love rippling outward from the throne, like golden threads woven into the tapestry of His glory. They stretch across galaxies, embracing every star and whispering through the darkest voids. They descend to cradle our fragile planet, washing over mountains and meadows, penetrating the deepest oceans and reaching into the bustling hearts of cities. This love is not an abstract concept, a mere word whispered in ancient texts. It is tangible, a force that moves with the gentle breeze rustling through leaves and the fierce wind sculpting mountain peaks. It is in the sunrise that paints the sky with fiery hues and the quiet miracle of a newborn’s breath. It is in the unyielding strength of a parent’s love, the comfort of a friend’s embrace, and the whispered prayer that carries us through the darkest night. We stand, small and humbled, in the shadow of His splendour. Yet, He invites us closer, not with a king’s summons, but with a father’s outstretched hand. We are not mere subjects before His throne, but children welcomed into His embrace.

The tapestry of His glory, woven with threads of love, is our inheritance, an invitation to step into the warmth of His presence. In the quiet moments of our lives, in the joy and the sorrow, the triumphs and the failures, we can seek the shelter of His throne. His glory may dazzle, but His love draws us near. It invites us to bask in the radiance of His grace, to find forgiveness in the depths of His compassion, and to experience the transformative power of His presence.

So let us step forward, not with trepidation, but with hearts overflowing with gratitude. Let us bask in the warmth of His love, woven into the very fabric of His glory. For in the shadow of His splendour, we find not only awe, but belonging, purpose, and an unconditional love that transcends all understanding. In His presence, we are not lost specks in a vast universe, but cherished children embraced by the King of Kings, forever loved in the tapestry of His glory.

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

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