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Simeon Devotional Day 21 : God Restores by Lisa Morrison

I will restore what the locusts have eaten
”And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…”
—Joel 2:25
Now let us look at this more closely at what the scripture means and how God restores.
I’ve been doing a lot of research and the word canker means mould or a growth. The canker worm does not just destroy the tree it destroys the seed which means next year’s harvest will not grow either. They destroy everything in their path! The word locust comes from the root word ravah which literally means to progressively grown stronger in abundance of number, strength or authority. It is spelled Resh, Beit, and Hei.  These letters and their order indicate that when a multitude of difficulties come upon us, it drowns out the voice of God.
The cankerworm is Yeleq which is spelled Yod, Lamed, and Qof and means to lick, lap or devour. The letters and their order indicate a loss of hope.
The canker worm literally licks away your hope. The caterpillar in Hebrew is chasel and means to devour.  This is spelled Chet, Samek and Lamed and indicates fear. The caterpillar devours you with fear.
The palmerworm in Hebrew is gazem which means to cut off.  The word is spelled Gimmel, Zayin and Mem and indicates sorrow or grief.
The devil may use the locust against us and try to drown out the voice of God. He may send the cankerworm to discourage us and cause us to lose hope, or the caterpillar to devour us with fear and the palmerworm to fill us with such grief and sorrow that we are cut off from all the good that life has to offer.
However, if we repent, God will bring restoration, peace and healing to change to all that was destroyed by the devil.
Written By Lisa Morrison

Simeon Devotional Day 21 : God Restores by Lisa Morrison

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