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Simeon Devotional Day 22 : A Special Treasure by Victor Mitchell

A special treasure...

1 Peter 2 v 9  

“But you are a Chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”

That phrase ‘own possession’ in the Aramaic is the word  sēgullâ meaning ‘a shut up, special treasure [royal treasure], possession and guarded wealth’; and this is how Abba Father sees us.

We are HIS Special Royal Treasure, Sons and Daughters, His Heirs. He guards and protects every single one of us for we are His possession, as in Exodus 19:5-6: “Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then shall you be My own possession among all the peoples, for the earth in Mine; And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priest’s and a holy nation.” 

 It is not some figment of your imagination, or some type of brainwashing that you are being told, that you are “Chosen to be a Royal Priesthood,” and this is by the One and only, that spoke the universe into being creating the sun, moon, and stars, you, and me as well!   

Because we have asked Jesus Christ to come into our hearts as our personal Lord and Saviour, The BLOOD of Yeshua Hamaschiah (Jesus the Messiah) has been shed for our sin, which covers our lives today, that we can and do walk in His unction and authority. 

I pray today that you would walk out, in the fullness of His grace, and that you would walk holy and upright, you say that is not for today, sure no one can live a holy and pure life, get a grip why don’t you.

Well strangely you should say that the Word of God says in 1 Peter 1:15-16 “But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in your behaviour.   

…Because it is written, YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”

Whoops, no getting out of that one is there?

We are called to take God’s word and apply it to our lives, it is not about learning about it, trying it, looking at and studying it, it is all about BEING what Father has called us to be in Him.  We walk out our lives with the Father, learning how to fulfil our destiny and calling and living out the way Father has called us to live, as His children, knowing that we are His special treasure and possession. 

Simeon Devotional Day 22 : A Special Treasure by Victor Mitchell

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