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Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations…!

A Warrior Kneeling Before an Altar

January 19, 2024….; Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations”…

…See Link;

….So, on the morning of the 21 of October 2023, I awoke to The LORD speaking to me, and I heard Him say,  ”Daughter, it’s time to take back The Gates!”

Later that day I sent out a Message to a number of leaders saying the following;  ”It’s time to take back The Gates!”

…Then I heard the sound of the Shofar blowing, and The LORD began to speak to me about the ruling power and principality of the Philistine Spirit is rising in our Nation(s) and The LORD spoke to me about The Mantle of David, and the mocking spirit of the Philistine over our Nation(s).

At this time, like Goliath who had taunted The Nation of Israel, the streets of London and those of many other Nations, have been filled with the sound of “the Islamic prayer call”.

I saw by The Spirit, that this sound is the same sound of the mocking Philistine spirit of Goliath, that now seeks to intimidate and dominate the airwaves over our Nation(s).

But then I saw in The Realm of The Spirit, The Ecclesia rising and ’going to The Gates’ of The Nations to blow the Shofar — to release The Sound of Heaven — at The Gates and over The Land — which will silence and establish the sound of Victory over the airwaves and over The Nation!.

…On the 17th of January 2024, we had a timely visit from Chuck Pierce who shared on “The Decade of Pey” — the decade of the mouth — and the great importance of our Decree in the days ahead.

”Decree a thing and it shall be established for you!”  Job 22:28

In prayerful reflection of what was shared at the meeting, I came home and The LORD began to speak to me again about The Gates, and He showed me a violent battle for The Glory unfolding at The Gates of Nations.

Now, as I began to pray and incline my ear to His Voice, suddenly I heard The Spirit say,  ”Gateways are the mouth of Regions, Territories and Nations!

I say, release the sound of The Roar from The Gateways!  Let The Sound go forth from the mouth of Regions Territories and Nations, and My Word and My Will,. will be built and established in the days ahead!

Again I say, at the sound of The Roar, My Great Eagles will rise and soar, and at the sound of The Roar of the Lion of Judah, the foundations of Nations will be shaken and shifted!

Look up!  For a line shall be stretched forth upon The Nations!

See!  For The Angels of Zechariah are on the move, measuring the length and breadth of the boundary lines of  Nations!   (Zechariah 1:12-17)

Yes!  Angelic Surveyors with the Measuring Rod in their hands are moving to measure the future Destiny of Cities, Regions, Territories and Nations in this hour.

For I tell you, a Divine Realignment and a reordering of The Boundary Lines of Nations is now taking place, for I AM taking Nations back to my original intent, for prodigal Nations shall turn and return to their Covenant Foundations.

Listen!  For the sound at The Gates will bring forth a Divine Distinction in The Valley of Decision — for a Divine Separation of what is Holy and Mine — and what is profane and defiled in now taking place!

For Goat and Sheep Nations are emerging — and two Altars are rising.  The Altar of Baal and the Altar of Elijah shall rise, and The Whirlwind of The Seven Spirits shall move upon The Valley of Nations, to gather up and to scatter abroad.

Watch! — as swords fall and sickles fly — for Judgement and Harvest have come to Nations on The Threshing Floor — for Wheat and Tares have come to full maturity!

I say, Stay Watching and Waiting!  For a Double Mantle will fall, and I shall Anoint, for a second time.

An Anointing, One Thousand times greater, shall be released upon My Ecclesia — even as it came upon Samson for a second time, even as it came upon Elisha.

I tell you, Get Ready!  For a One Thousand (1000) times greater Anointing is coming upon My Ecclesia!  A Double-portion Anointing of The Spirit and Power of Elijah is coming in The Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits!

…Have I not said, Nations have now entered into a Second Exodus, and Second Circumcision?

…Watch..!…The Blood!  The Blood!  For the hour of a Second Passover is here!

The hour of Five-Fold Reformation is here, and My Five-Fold will move in the Governmental Power and Authority of The Key of The House of David — for the eyes that were gouged out, are now being fully restored!

Look!  For my 11th hour Prophets are rising with Fourth Dimensions of sight and vision!

Enter in!  For The Door of Revelation Four stands open before The Nations!

I say come up here!  Come up higher!  And The Glory that departed — and the hair that was pulled out — will return!

…Look!  For a Rainbow Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits is coming upon the head once again, My Plumbline Apostles shall arise — as My Covenant speaks a higher thing!

Yes!  My Covenant shall speak of true identity and sonship.

Listen!  It’s time to release a Battle Cry!  It’s time to take War stance, for a Battle for My Glory is unfolding at The Gate!

A Divine Confrontation is taking place with the ruling spirit of the Philistines — a war over the ancient wells — a mighty contending for Revival and for The Birthright and The Destiny of Nations!

For I tell you, surely The Ancient Wells that were stopped up by the Philistines shall be uncapped, and the stranglehold of the three-fold cord of Jezebel, Anthelia and Delilah shall be broken over The Nations, and the spirit of Herod that rises at a time of birthing, shall be cast down.

See!  For a John-the-Baptist Mantle is now coming upon the sons at The Gate to prepare a Highway for The Glory to come, and The Mantle of Might — My Seven-Fold Spirit that came upon Samson for a second time, is now coming upon My Ecclesia to push down the ivory pillars — to tear down the Babylonian structures and systems of religion and finance, that rule over the seven spheres of culture!” says The Spirit of God.

••NOTE; Prophetic Strategy for the Days Ahead…

…God gave me some Prophetic Strategies for the decade ahead…

In 2022, God began to speak to be about the battle for The Birthright and The Destiny of Nations.

He spoke about the War to come over Kingdom Inheritance, and then in 2023, He spoke specifically to me about a “Staking Anointing” of 2 Samuel 20:23,  “And Joab was over all the army of Israel; Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites.”

And He said to me,  ”I will release Keys in 23, for Doors in 24.”

This a prophetic strategy of; the Staking Anointing of 2 Samuel 20:23 that would come upon the sons who were mantled with might to fight against the giants in our land of promise.

This Staking Anointing would cause our heels to become like sharpened stakes that would be driven into the ground, and the sons, His double-trouble maker prophets would dig their heels in deeper to defend their lentil field (the birthright and kingdom inheritance) against the stronghold of the Philistines.

As this War over Kingdom Inheritance was waged and won, there would come as a great reward — a Wealth Transfer — from the hands of the wicked into the storehouses of the righteous.

…Then towards the end of 2023…God began to give me yet again another prophetic strategy, and it comes from, 2 Samuel 24, and I heard The Spirit say,  ”It’s time to build Altars on The Threshing Floor!

I say, in the days ahead, do not consider your strength in the number of your fighting men — or on the authority of the one who sits in the highest offices of earthly Governments — and do not count on the power of your chariots or horses — for the battle is The LORD’s!”

Altars speak to true Repentance and Living Sacrifices.

Nations now on The Threshing Floor (The Valley of Decision),  the winnowing winds of The Spirit are now blowing forth upon The Nations, bringing forth Divine Separation and a great Harvest!

A great returning Restoration and Reformation is now beginning to take place in The Nations!

…See Prophetic links that parallel;












Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations…!

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