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The Beginning Of The Second Exodus

I Saw A Multicoloured Whirlwind and a Golden Plumbine

An urgent word to the nation of Israel; “This is the beginning of a Second Exodus!”

Early in the hours of this morning I was woken to these words, “This is the beginning of the nation of Israel’s second exodus!” What a strange thing to hear; but those words were so loud that it woke me up from a deep sleep, and as soon as I sat up in bed, with my eyes barely open, I heard those words again, “This is the beginning of the nation of Israel’s second exodus!”  I immediately began to pray, and as soon as I began praying in the Spirit, I was taken in the Spirit over the nation of Israel and I saw a great battle taking place in the heavenlies, and I saw a great archangel of the Lord’s armies fighting against the ruling demonic forces that ruled over the Middle East.

Suddenly the vision shifted, and I saw a golden plumbline fall in the midst of the nations, and then I saw a multi-coloured whirlwind coming out of the deeper realms of His glory and the mighty whirlwind moved with great acceleration and power towards the nations.  Then I heard these words; “Fear not, for these are the days of Joel, Jeremiah and Elijah.  Watch! For this is the beginning of the nation of Israel’s second exodus…for my seven spirit whirlwind shall go forth to gather what has been scattered.  For I say to you my watchman, watch for what I am about to do in the days ahead will astound the minds of those that are blind, and those that do not have the spirit of wisdom and understanding because they have not received the light!”  I say “Watch, for even as I blessed the nation of Israel, and even as I increased them greatly and made them stronger than their enemies, so shall I do it again in these days.”

“But I say watch, for even as I turned the hearts of their enemies to hate them; so shall I do it again!  For I tell you I shall make the nation of Israel a point of even greater contention among the nations in these days’. Yes! For I shall bless, increase and strengthen her and provoke her enemies to jealously, and I shall even stir up a greater envy and hatred that is already within the hearts of Israel’s enemies!   Watch! For I shall no longer strive with their rebellion but I shall now use the evil wickedness in their hearts to bring forth great judgement against them.  For I shall use their stiff necked and rebellious ways to break their own necks and they shall never recover.”

“Again I say, watch as I harden their hearts in the days ahead, that I may display greater signs and wonders in the midst of increasing darkness and destruction.  Listen and pay attention; for My ways are not your ways, My thoughts are not your thoughts, for My ways and thoughts are higher than yours.  I tell you guard your hearts and take your places on the walls of the cities of the nations, for I say it’s time to take back the Gates.  Now watch, as my seven spirit whirlwind moves to scatter, and to gather, scatter and to gather.  Watch as many plagues will return once again to the desert places of the Middle East.  For I tell you this is the hour of turmoil and great trouble; the hour of greater shakings and divine disruptions.  Watch for this is the hour of divine set up! As I cause the nation of Israel to become a thorn in their sides, and a stone in their shoes; for i say to the nation of Israel, fear not, for this is the hour of great exodus.  This is the hour of your second exodus where I shall take you out even as I brought you in!”

“I shall bless you and increase you and make you stronger than your enemies.  I shall cause the light of My glory to so shine upon you that the darkness shall flee and they shall run and hide.  Watch as I bring you out with silver and gold; and none shall be feeble among you, and surely I tell you, your enemies will be happy to see you leave as fear shall strike their hearts when they watch My hand of justice and vindication bring you forth in even greater victory in the days ahead”, says the Spirit of God.


The Beginning Of The Second Exodus

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