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The honey bee restores


…The Door of Great Restore in 2024!

December 21, 2023 Veronika West

…A powerful Dream — The Caterpillar — The Moth — The Locust — The Door of Great Restore in 2024!

…Last night I had a powerful Dream, wherein I saw the Spiritual Landscape of my own Nation Ireland — and then the Landscape of many other Nations.

As far as my eyes could see in the Dream, I saw the Spiritual Landscape of Nations had been invaded by demonic Caterpillars and hordes of Locusts.

Now, as I was permitted to draw closer in the Dream, I saw Caterpillars assigned to the lives of people!  These Caterpillars did not eat grass or leaves, but they slowly ate away at the “Years!”

These Caterpillars were assigned to Time!

I watched as these Caterpillars were crawling and gnawing their way through the Destinies of individuals, Caterpillars that decimated families, marriages and relationships.

These Caterpillars moved slowly, they were subtle and stealthy; Caterpillars that moved in the darkness like an aggressive cancer.

These Caterpillars had a ravenous hunger that could not be satisfied.  They ate day and night without ceasing, and like a deadly cancer, these Caterpillars ate into the bodies of many causing sickness, infirmity and disease, death, great pain and suffering.

Then I watched, as some of these Caterpillars morphed into what looked like great big Moths that sat upon the livelihoods of many — Moths that created massive holes in the pockets and purses of the people.

In the Dream, I knew that the Moths were not only assigned to destroy the property and prosperity of the people, but these Moths were assigned to ultimately destroy Financial Structures and Systems.

These Massive Moths were Moths assigned to bring Nations into a time of great famine!

Now, in the Dream, seeing many of the Caterpillars turning into Moths, I knew by The Spirit, this was an upgrading of demonic spirits at work, as they gained greater legal rights and passages to invade.

This Demonic Spiritual Metamorphosis clearly represented the RANKING SYSTEM of the demonic realm and the satanic assignment that was taking place among The Nations.

I was shown clearly in the Dream, that these Caterpillars, Moths and Locusts were designed and assigned to destroy the Destinies of the People in the land — and the Destinies of Nations!

I saw that these Caterpillars and Moths were also generational — and there were “Generational Life Cycles” of these Caterpillars and Moths.

No sooner had some of the Caterpillars and Moths died off, and a new and more powerful species of Caterpillar and Moth was brought forth, the Generational Life Cycles of disease, death and destruction of many Destinies.

Then the Dream shifted and I saw what looked like high ranking “Locust Hordes” that were assigned to Specific “Regions and Territories” within Nations.

These Demonic Locusts were powerful and devoured “Decades of Time” — literally in a matter of days and weeks!

These Swarming Locusts were assigned to destroy the Destinies of Nations in a matter of Days — and as far as my eyes could see — the landscapes of Many Nations were being covered in a thick blanket of Locusts.

I watched and saw that as The Church slept, as the Watchmen slumbered, as the Walls and Gates of the Nations were unguarded, and as The Church gave itself over more and more to a “Woke Agenda,” these Invading Locusts only gained in greater strength and power, and they increased in number and in size.

I watched as “Decades of Time” was being devoured in a matter of days.

Regions and Territories were being brutally invaded and overtaken, and the Destruction of the Destiny of Nations was in full swing.

But then suddenly I heard these Words,  ”Watch!  For I’ll make up for the years of the Locust, the great Locust devastation!

Locusts, savage Locusts, deadly, fierce Locusts — Locusts of doom — that great Locust Invasion I sent your way.**

You’ll eat your fill of good food!  You’ll be full of praises to your GOD!  The God who has set you back on your heels in wonder.

Never again will My People be despised. 

You’ll know without question that I’m in the thick of life with Israel.  That I’m your GOD!  YES — your GOD!  The one and only real God!  Never again will My People be despised!”

And as those Words echoed loudly — like the sound of a mighty rushing of ten thousand waterfalls in the dream — suddenly,..I heard these Words!

”Watch!  For the Door of Great Restore shall open in 2024!

Watch!  For the Kairos will collide with the Chronos, and the Scales of Justice and Righteousness shall tip, for a time and season of divine restore will begin to take place in the midst of great destruction — famine and even war!

I say again, the time of Great Restore shall begin in 2024.

I say — for I AM The Door of Revelation four! 

Yes!  I call you, My Remnant, to come up here, to come up higher and enter in — for I AM The Door of Great Restore!

Now, watch as My redeeming Hand moves upon the hands of the Chronos — for this is an Appointed Time — a Kairos Time and Season — for that which was devoured by the crawling Caterpillar and swarming and invading Locusts, shall surely be redeemed and restored in the days ahead!”  says God.


**See Joel 2:25-26  “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, my great army which I sent among you.  You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of The LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and My People shall never be put to shame.”

The Restoration comes as a result of True Repentance.  Sin brought judgement — through the Locusts — when The Church gives way to a Woke agenda; when the Watchmen sleep…; when Sin is rampant the enemy has legal rights to devour…and steal Destinies..! 

Yes, sin gives legal right to the Locusts — but as the great Awakening takes place as we (The Remnant) cry out in True Repentance — The Door of Restore opens AND GOD RESTORES ALL WITH RECOMPENSE. 


Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West


..Some of you will remember this powerful Word,..; God said…”THE HONEY BEES ARE COMING TO RESTORE WHAT THE LOCUSTS HAVE EATEN…

Watch! For the Honey Bees Are Coming!

“Watch! For the honey bees are coming to restore what the locusts have eaten!

The spirit of God woke me in the early hours of this morning and spoke these words to me, “Daughter, tell My people that the honey bees are coming to restore what the locusts have eaten!”

As He spoke these words, suddenly I heard in the Spirit the sound of humming bees in the distance, and then I saw a river of thick golden honey flowing towards the house of God.

The Holy Spirit immediately whispered to me, “Daughter, get ready for a river of prophetic revelation and impartation, for My word will be as a river of sweet honey flowing forth from the lips of my sons and daughters.”

As I listened to the precious Holy Spirit, He then showed me the words, “Cross pollination of power and purpose in this hour.”

I prophesy that in this hour and season a river of sweet honey (prophetic revelation) is going to flow forth across the body of Christ, and we are going to see a “Cross pollination of gods kingdom purposes and power,” and a river of prophetic revelation is coming to heal and restore what the locusts have eaten in the areas of unity, vision, provision, submission, honour and love for one another!

Now as we know bees are harvesters, going from flower to flower collecting and cross pollinating, I believe that what the Holy Spirit was showing me in my prayer time this morning, is that there are many in the Body of Christ who are broken, bruised and wounded and are just waiting for the harvesters to come and sprinkle them with the “Golden dust of His Glory.”

There are many who are waiting for the glory carriers to arise in greater boldness and Kingdom authority that will impart to them the new life, power and purposes of God. And just like the bees, I believe that we will see the power, productivity and fruitfulness that comes when the spirit of unity, submission and sacrifice is at work in our midst.

Now as I continued to pray the Holy Spirit spoke again saying, “Watch for now a river of honey (revelation) is now flowing forth from the belly of the lion of Judah (the Body of Christ)!!” Then He quickened these scriptures to me;

“There was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of the lion. And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he had taken the honey out of the carcass of the lion,” Judges 14:8-9.

“And with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee,” Psalms 81:16.

in this hour, I prophesy God is feeding his people with honey that will flow like a river from a rock, many will begin to receive fresh, Revelation and supernatural impartation from the solid rock, yes! From the stone that the builders rejected!

“Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath: wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and he dipped it in a honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened.” 1 Samuel 14:27.

I prophesy: Just as Jonathan ate the sweet honey and his eyes were healed and enlightened, so many across the Body of Christ are now receiving supernatural healing and a new level and measure of divine illumination and enlightenment. There is a supernatural unveiling and revealing of God’s wisdom and prophetic revelation that is flowing forth to bring many into a new dimension of spiritual sight and understanding.

“…And he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock,” Deuteronomy 32:13.

I Decree: Just as God fed Jacob honey from the rock, and oil from the flinty rock so the spirit of Wisdom is releasing to the Body of Christ in this hour,…Greater Revelation…and the spirit of Counsel and Might…is releasing a Fresh Anointing to the Chosen and Elect of God.

I see God revealing himself as Christ the Rock to His Covenant people in this season. (Deuteronomy 32).

Friends, Get ready for the honey bees that are coming to restore what the locusts have eaten!…

Ps; See Both Link;

…In the New Year we will be Launching “THE HIVE”..!🐝


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