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The Great and Terrible Day…Call to Arise and Stand; Written By Sir James Barlow

Entering the New Year of 2024, I feel an unexpected excitement! Not that I expect an easy time, but that The Lord will be with those who will hide themselves in Him and will undertake for them in most amazing ways! Surely we are seeing the demise of so much of the structure and protocol that has welded together our nations for so long – some of that demise is good, but much appears to have sinister agendas that perhaps may lead down very dark paths. But God!

I hear the Lord saying that He is now revealing His justice to the nations that have defiled His Word, His Truth, and His Righteousness. He is not coming as He did at first: gently, as a babe, as a suffering servant. He is coming as the King of Kings with His mighty armies. He is looking to manifest this through His Ecclesia and His Church, but sees them not looking to Him and not holding their ear to the door that they may be ready to respond to His still small voice as it becomes a trumpet call. He sees them desperately looking to hide, to run to the hills and bury their heads in the sand for fear, when they should run into Him and yield to Him as their Lord and friend. Not recognising Him, they fear and do not trust. 

But there are those now rising who are learning His voice, learning His care and enjoying His embrace. He sees you! He calls and holds you in the covert of His wing, for that is the only safety in the time of His wrath upon the nations. There is no other place of hiding except in Him. He is the calm at the centre of the storm. He is the refuge from the storm, the shelter from the sun and the Hope for tomorrow. He is the life, the power and the strength to carry you through. He is the inspiration and the thought that will keep you as the enemy comes in close. He is the courage to wield the sword of His Word and so see the fall of the armies arrayed against Him. He is the vision and He is the hearing to direct your thrust and keep your guard against the darts that fly. He is all that you need!

He is calling to you. He will not move without you and each moment that you hesitate to respond, to give over to doubt and fear, to hold back with your sword sheathed, the enemy of our souls grows bolder. That has been the story for long years and you now see what that has wrought in the nations! But now, He offers His hope. Arise! Take up your Sword – His word! Gird your loins for the battle! Put on your armour! Stand with Him at the centre of your being and with those who will come alongside you as allies.

Be prepared to trust your back to another for you can only face one way at a time. Enter into the fellowship of the brethren and return to the brotherhood of the believers. Do not hold back! He will come regardless of your fears and sweep any away who are not for Him! Now is the appointed time! Now is moment to take courage and arise! Now is time of the visitation of His Holy Justice upon the nations! Be alert and stand!

Some will find themselves on this mountain, some on another, but that place is His choosing not yours! Your safety and strength lies in being where He put you to stand, not where another thinks you should be. Follow the call of His Spirit in your deepest being and lean not to your own understanding for it has failed! In that place of strength, you will find others who will stand with you, many you thought of as not with you, but in truth they always have been. You will have divine connections that will go beyond worldly understanding.

You will have upgraded hearts to love and hear and see! You will be strengthened beyond your natural ability! You will find that you can leap as the hind upon the high places and wield weapons of warfare never revealed before! He will bring you into new dimensions of encounter with Him that will fill you with even deeper love and courage! You will begin to know the Truth and that will indeed set you free – as well as those around you! For those around you will turn to Him even as you do! There is no turning back now. The victory is sure.

The end is at hand. The fight is approaching its climax. Do not let your hands grow weary as this last summit is approached! This is the great and terrible Day of our Lord and our King!

The Great and Terrible Day…Call to Arise and Stand; Written By Sir James Barlow

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