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The Ninth Hour: A Dream/Vision of Harvest and Judgment”


…So early hours of the morning of …(9/12/24),…or (12/9/24)…

…I had a powerful and vivid dream/vision in which I found myself standing and watching above a vast city, and instantly, by the Spirit of Revelation, I recognized the City as Manhattan…

…Suddenly, in the dream I saw two powerful Angelic beings,…both Angels were clad in heavy armor and were mounted upon Mighty War horses….

…It was made clear to me by the Spirit that these were Warring Angels, riding Warring steeds prepared for battle….; The first Angel grasped a sharp Sickle in one hand, while the second Warring Angel Carried a Sword…

…Now As I looked at these two formidable Angels,…I noticed that the backs of their horses were touching, yet each horse and rider faced a different direction…; Please bear with me: the Angel with the Sharp Sickle faced the land, while the one with the Sword was turned towards the sea…

…The dream/vision suddenly shifted, and I saw a clock hovering over the City….And the positions of the Warring horses and their Riders aligned with the hands of the clock—the hour hand pointed to nine, and the minute hand pointed to twelve, indicating the time: “Nine o’clock.”

In that moment, I heard these words,..

..”I Say Again, the horse and its rider shall go forth upon the Nations, for a simultaneous move of My Spirit shall be seen as the Sickle flies and the Sword falls.

…Listen! The hour of Great Harvest and Judgment has come upon the Nations of the Earth….

…Pay attention….Watch and Pray, for the writing is on the wall….Nations have been weighed in the balance and found wanting….I say again, for this is the Ninth hour….Yes! Daniel 9….For a Stitch in time shall save nine”..!

…As I heard those words echo loudly in the dream,…I felt a wave of urgency come over me….The atmosphere in the dream dramatically shifted, and a weight of the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord and Intercession came upon me,…

…And in my Spirit,…I could hear a loud Clarion Call to Arms,…we no longer have the luxury to be mere spectators and observers, but we are being Called to Come up Higher,…to Go up to Higher Ground and to take our place and position as divine partakers,…in Gods unfolding plan in the Earth…

…Suddenly, I saw the Angel with the Sharp sickle in its hand pointed towards the land,…and in an instant past visions and dreams of great Revival and Restoration came up before me in the dream….; And I was shown,…A Great harvest is waiting, ripe for the picking,…yet the labourers are few and the soil lays fallow in need of the sharp blade of the harvesters plough,…

…but I hear these Words…

“Prepare the Harvesters!”…

…And suddenly I saw the Sickle in the Angels hand fly across the Sky and it pierced through the darkness….

…And I began to Prophesy,..”For the Veil of deception shall be removed and the scales from their eyes shall fall and many shall come forth from their caves and from the shadows of darkness and find their place in the Kingdom of Light”….

…Now as I prophesied in the dream,..

…Suddenly I Saw the Sword fall.” …

…And as I looked at the second Angel, I saw that its face was turned towards the churning waters of the Sea,…

…I saw that the waters of the sea had grown tumultuous, waves crashing against one another,..and as I looked at the Waves, I could hear the desperate cries of many Nations rising…


As I heard the Spirit Speak…

…I saw….”Judgment is at hand!”…As the Warring Rider raised his Sword high over the Seas….

…And I Prophesied again,..”The Waves shall rise and the tides shall now begin to shift and turn over the Nations,…For the works of the wicked will be exposed and overturned,..and the House of the Righteous Remnant shall Rise and Rule over the Earth”..!

…Suddenly, the sound of clock above the City began to tick louder,…and each tick carried a strong vibration and heavenly frequency that resonated like a heartbeat….and I felt my own heart being quickened in the dream,…; I could feel a mighty acceleration over TIME was taking place,…there was an Urgency in the dream that touched both the heavens and the earth,…

…And As my focus was turned again towards the clock, I saw the hour hand of the Clock jerking towards the TEN (10),…while the minute hand remained steadfast on twelve…


….Again, for a moment the dream suddenly shifts and It was as if,..I was looking at an hourglass that was draining, and with each grain of sand that fell, the weight of TIME grew heavier and more urgent in the realm of the Spirit….

…And I heard these words again,…

..”Pay attention….Watch and Pray, for the writing is on the wall….Nations have been weighed in the balance and found wanting….I say again, for this is the ninth hour….Yes! Daniel 9….For a Stitch in time shall save nine”..!

I woke up..!

…Friends,…I hear a Clarion Call to True Repentance and to the place of Fervent Prayer and Intercession…

….And For those who intercede in this hour they shall have hearts that burn with an unquenchable Fire,…hearts that will be filled with Prophetic Revelation,…and an Understanding of the Times and Seasons,…and an unwavering intent in the days ahead…

…ITS TIME…; To Call forth the Mighty Intercessors!…to Gather the Holy Watchmen, for they hold the Keys to the Gates of Mercy….The power of their prayers shall shift and turn the tides of the Nations in the days ahead..!!

The Ninth Hour: A Dream/Vision of Harvest and Judgment”

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