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The Sound of Abundant Rain

The sound of abundant rain over Ireland
The sound of abundant rain over Ireland
The Sound of Abundant Rain over Ireland
The sound of abundant rain over Ireland

…2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!…;

November 12, 2023 Veronika West

2024 — A Year Marked by Greater Outpouring and Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!

Early this morning as soon as I walked into my Prayer Hut, I heard these Words, ”Watch and Pray — for 2024 will be a year marked by greater outpouring and supernatural downpour in the midst of famine and war!”

As soon as I heard those Words, I began to pray fervently in The Spirit. Then I heard a deep rumbling sound rising from the deeper Realms of The Spirit, and suddenly I could feel a weighty Presence around me, as I heard The Spirit say, ”Do you hear it? The sound of the abundance of rain is rising over The Nations!

I say, it’s time to go up! It’s the Rain of Restoration in the midst of War!

The Rain! The Rain! The Rain to reign in 2024!

Watch and listen — for a voice will be heard crying in the wilderness!

Yes! A sound that shall break open Heavenly Highways in 2024.

For the manifestation of a New Dispensation of Greater Outpouring and Supernatural Downpour that will bring Divine Restoration and Reformation in the midst of increasing darkness and Nations at war in 2024.

I say, fear not! Watch, as My Remnant rises, mantled in The Spirit and Power of Elijah — mantled with the Multidimensional Authority of My Glory and Power, that will bring forth Grace Dimensions of Supernatural Acceleration, Multiplication and Resurrection Power in The Nations of the earth!”

“And Elijah said unto Ahab, “Arise quickly, go up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain!”” 1 Kings 18:41

Friends, a sound of Abundance is rising! I see Doors of open access, a fresh catch-up wind of Acceleration for Kingdom Advancement is beginning to blow across The Nations!

Listen! Many have become masters of building Churches — without actually taking ground!

When The LORD moved our IDH Ministry* from a grand building into a Portakabin**, my heart was challenged, and as I was about to open my mouth to express my complaint, The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD came upon me, and The LORD said, ”If I can do miracles under mango trees — I can do miracles in this Portakabin!”

I immediately shut my mouth and cried out, ”Father, have your way and give me the grace to become the living sacrifice upon the altar!”

Friends, we cannot become carriers of greater dimensions of Glory and Power without deeper levels of consecration.

A Remnant must rise that has the capacity to carry the weight of His Glory — but it will cost us everything!

The flesh must die — and, if we are to be entrusted to become keepers of The Flames of Revival, we must become the Living Sacrifices upon The Altar!

A Remnant must rise that qualifies to wield The Sceptre of His Glory on the earth! Only The Called-out and Consecrated Ones will qualify to carry and steward this new Dispensation of greater Outpouring and Downpour that is coming in 2024.

Let us not be found wanting — but be Purified Vessels, worthy to be counted among the End-time Army of Remnant Warriors for Kingdom Advancement!

I prophesy over you, Divine Access, Abundance and Acceleration for the days ahead.

Expect : New and Open Doors that will give you access to greater influence and Kingdom Impact.

Watch for unexpected miracles and divine meetings. You are carrying something that someone else needs in this hour!

Expect : To receive Double Portions and Supernatural Increase!

The gift you carry is making room for you in this next season, and the seeds you have sown in the last season will suddenly burst forth.

Watch, as new life leads to greater fruitfulness, causing your baskets to overflow — The Breath of God, releasing expansion and enlargement to that which is in your hand.

Expect : The catch-up Winds of Acceleration to blow upon every area of your life.

There is a Supernatural Shift taking place even in this hour.

I see the Words: Relocation, Resettlement and Replacement.

There is a greater momentum taking place in The Realms of The Spirit that is causing many things that have been stuck, stagnant and stifled to be lifted, shifted, unlocked, unblocked and released to you with greater Power and Increase!

Do you hear it? There is a sound of an Abundance of Rain to Reign!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen!” Hebrews 11:1

In this hour, the spirit of deception is running rampant and causing many to become desensitised, deaf, disillusioned and desperate. Hearts have become distant and deeply discouraged.

The only sounds that many can hear are the sounds of hopelessness, doubt and despair, and the drum beat of War!

It’s time to go higher above the demonic static and dust storms!

I hear The Spirit say, “Awake, you who sleep and slumber! Arise oh mighty Warriors!

Rise up in My Strength and Power from among the dying and the dead, for I, The Messiah, will Illuminate, Ignite and Empower you in this hour!”

I see the mighty Hand of God beginning to stir and awaken, activate and sensitise our spiritual senses once again to the sounds, sights and even tastes for The Abundance of Rain!

Look! The waters are rising! I see an outpouring of New Wine! I see a mighty overflow from The Rivers of His Glory, and Goodness touching and transforming everything in its path!

Get ready! It’s time to go up, eat and drink! There is a sound of An Abundance of Rain!


Abun – “Dance”!

Yes, I Decree and Declare that you will testify that in days ahead that you “Went up and danced in the fields of His Abundance and Overflow!”

* IDH Ministry : Ireland’s Destiny Hub..;

** Portakabin : Proprietary factory made modular building.

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

The Sound of Abundant Rain

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