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…The Spirit says…”There is No Room in the Inn”!


…So today I was on call, Praying with a powerful Prophet of God and while prophesying over her.

I saw her in The Spirit like Mary, who was heavily pregnant sitting on a donkey, and I was shown Joseph walking beside her.

Now, looking at her in the realm of The Spirit, I knew that while I was being shown her specifically, I was also been shown many of God’s Prophets in this hour and season, and I knew by Revelation, that there are many of God’s Prophets who are heavily pregnant and at the point of birthing.

Heavily pregnant with Power, Promise and greater Purpose for the days ahead, and these Prophets carry The Mantle of Mary — The mantle to birth the very Life, Purpose and Destiny of God into Nations that are in a time of great travail.

I also saw that many of these Mary-mantled Prophets also have a Joseph Mantle.

These Prophets carry the multi-coloured coat of The Seven Spirits of God upon them. They also walk in a special favour and revelatory anointing of God, even as Joseph did.

Many of these Joseph Prophets have known the darkness of the dungeon, and they have been tested — and yes! — The Word, The Dream and even The Visions that they have carried, have been severely tested!

But, I see these heavily mantled Mary and Joseph Prophets coming forth in great Anointing, Authority, Revelation and Power for the hour!

But then, I heard these Words, ”Tell My Mary and Joseph-mantled Prophets that there will be no room in the inn!”

As I heard those Words, I immediately inquired of The Spirit of Revelation, and He spoke to me saying, “Tell My double-portion Anointed Prophets that many people and places will not have the capacity to contain what they are carrying in this next season!

Many will not have the ability to discern — or even receive — what My double-portion Prophets are about to birth in the earth!

Tell My Mary and Joseph-mantled Prophets that at the moment of birthing, there will be no room in the inn — for what shall be birthed through them on the earth, cannot be contained in an old winesk-inn!”[wineskin]


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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…The Spirit says…”There is No Room in the Inn”!

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