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This Emerald Isle Will Rise Up Once More, Victorious In The Days Ahead

Kirk Woodside:

“Shout praise and the walls of Jericho will come down!”  I just felt in my spirit that the walls of Jericho shall fall down!   “Keep marching, keep fighting, keep pushing through because the victory is ours – the factory is Mine!” says the Lord.  “I shall take the land that I promised My people I will restore them and put them back where they should be.   The evil will be removed it will be destroyed by Me.  I shall walk forth ahead of you with my angel armies.  My warrior angels are walking beside you at this time; walk with them and keep faith and stay strong My people, stay strong!   Keep your eyes focused on me and listen for my instructions for what to do next.  We are at the end of the end times so now My people stand up, stand strong and put your full armour on!  Put the full armour of God on because the fight is coming.   For such a time as this you have been born for this battle against the enemy.  Satan shall be defeated and this Emerald Isle will rise up once more yes my remnant army will rise up victorious in the days ahead”.

House of Judah,

Wednesday 13th December 2023

This Emerald Isle Will Rise Up Once More, Victorious In The Days Ahead

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