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Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War!

Arise Warriors! It’s time to Shine, Roar and Reign in 2024!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Call My people to the Altar in Repentance! Call them to the place of Fire and Power — for this is a critical and strategic hour!

There is no time to waste! Listen! For there is a sound of celebration in the camp of the enemy, as he anticipates greater victories.

But Nay, I say! For I have prepared a Remnant for such as time as this! A Holy and Set-apart people, bold, courageous and fearless in the face of the enemy!

For they have taken hold of the Horns of The Altar, and the sound of their cries in true repentance have filled the Court Room of Heaven.

Their tears have filled The Golden Bowls, and their Prayers — day and night — have filled My Nostrils like a sweet smelling perfume!

Ha! Now watch as the weight of their True Repentance and Worship begins to shift the scales of Justice and Righteousness.

scales iamgeFor there is coming a sudden and divine Tipping Point that shall thwart the works of the Kingdom of darkness, for the I tell you The Truth, the sound of the celebrations of the enemy shall soon be silenced by the sound of the Roar of The Lion of Judah.

Have I not said that the War has already been fought and WON?

For the enemy was defeated before even one shot was fired — before even one sword was drawn — before even one shield was lifted!

Beloved, have I not put within you the Power to Prevail against your enemies that relentlessly pursue you?

Have I not put within you the strength to stand steadfast and immovable in the face of every satanic and demonic onslaught that comes against you?

Fear not! As you give yourself fully to the work of My Kingdom ,you shall stand firm and see The Salvation of The LORD accomplished for you!

Now, lay hold of these Truths, My Overcoming Ones, for its vital to the Victory being made manifest in the midst of you!

As you stay seated with Me in Heavenly places, Satan will surely loose the battle in earthly places, for these struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against The Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

Always remember, My Fearless Warriors, Satan can only take what he has been given a legal right to take, for when The Altars are neglected and broken down, the devourer is given full access to take ground, occupy territory and establish his kingdom of destruction in the land.

Satan is the destroyer and a relentless tormentor; an old and treacherous adversary who hates My Righteous and Redeemed Ones.

Day and night the devourer sets traps and digs deep ditches for the feet of the Saints. Quietly and cunningly he creeps in the shadows, watching and waiting for those who have become isolated and cut off from the rest of The Body, and like a lion, driven and cast out from among the pride, Satan knows that his strength is no match against those who have laid claim to the Authority of The King of Heaven and Earth.

So, arise Warriors! It is time to Shine, Road and Reign in 2024.

It is time to drive him out, and subdue his earthly kingdoms and Reign Victorious in The Kingdom of Heaven!

Lift up your voices like the sound of many loud Trumpets, and let the Battle Cry of victory go forth, and watch as the walls coming crashing down!

I say, Rise up! It’s time — for I have Crowned you as Kings and High Priests that you should sit upon The Throne to share in My Authority and Power, so that My Glory may be seen in all the Earth!

This is My greatest Joy Beloved, that We may be co-labourers together, going forth into The Nations to dismantle strongholds and dethrone the princes of Darkness.

Surely I have invested everything that I have — and all that I AM — in you, so that the inheritance I have promised you shall not be lost nor stolen.

So, take it now! You don’t have to wait! The wealth of The Nations belongs to you!

As you Reign in Me and I Reign in you, My Glory shall be made manifest on the Earth, and the Light of My Son shall diminish the darkness, and My Will will be done, and My Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

Arise oh mighty warriors…rule…reign and lay claim to your kingdom inheritance..!!

See: Isaiah 54 … is a Key and a Promise in 2024!



Links — Words for Prayerful Consideration for 2024

  1. A Collision of New and Ancient Ways
  2. 2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!
  3. The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing
  4. The Prophetic Warning of 2 Samuel 24 for 2024 and Beyond
  5. Angels of Daniel Nine Are Being Released Over America!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

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