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Veronika West : Signs of the Times – Cedar Red – Divine Distinction and Separation

Signs of the Times — Cedar Red — Divine Distinction and Separation — A Simultaneous Move of the Seven Spirits!

On the First of January 2024, while sitting in my Prayer Hut, The Spirit of The LORD instructed me to paint my Prayer Hut — “Cedar Red”  A strange Instruction, but I knew it would be a Prophetic Sign of the Year ahead. It would be a tangible reminder each morning as I entered into The Secret Place that the Year ahead would require me to be rightly aligned and positioned from a place of AscensionGreater Revelation and Supernatural Preservation!

The Spirit of Wisdom will often speak with such simplicity, and yet I can testify that when I have obeyed Him without hesitation or question, He soon reveals the power of His Word in such unexpected ways.  So, I immediately went out the next day and purchased, “Cedar Red” paint as instructed, and as soon as I painted my Prayer Hut, The LORD spoke these words to me, ”The Year of the Watchmen — The Year when a simultaneous move of My Seven Spirits shall be made manifest in The Nations of the Earth!  A Move of Birthing and Judgment! A Move of Word and Spirit! A Move of Divine Restoration and Severe Destruction!  A Move of Uprooting and Tearing-down! A Move of Building and Planting! A Move of War and Peace!  A Move of Famine and My Fat Ones Emerging — for this shall be a Year of Divine Distinction — a Year that will herald a Second Exodus and a Second Circumcision!

Yes! The Year of a Spiritual Second Wind of My Spirit, that shall blow forth upon The Nations, that will gather up what has been scattered — and scatter and separate that which was gathered up!  Watch! As the Sword and Sickle fly — and Fire and Water shall fall!  For I tell you, one shall rise and another shall suddenly fall — for this is a Year of Greater Awakening — and yet many will enter into a deeper sleep.

See! I say look at the fields, for the Wheat and Tares are now coming to full maturity, and a Gavel of My Justice will be heard as The Scales move and shift.  For the Year when Goat and Sheep Nations begin to emerge — and Nations that were once aligned and united — shall secede [withdraw].  For I tell you, the Season of Divine Distinction and Separation has surely begun!

So I say to you, My Beloved, The Blood! The Blood! Come up here and stay hidden under The Blood!  I say, dwell in The Secret Place of The Most High, and you shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty — for I will cover you with My Feathers, and under My Wings you will find refuge!  Look to Me — for My Faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Again I say, put The Blood on the Door Posts, for this is the Year Of Red, for My Hand shall Passover, and My Remnant shall cross over to the other side!”

Postscript — Interesting Note

I submit there is powerful Prophetic Meaning in the “CEDAR” for the days ahead.

It will speak with prophetic poignancy, and it will bring greater Revelation as to how God is moving and where The Spirit is leading.

Keep your eyes on “THE CEDARS” — God is speaking!

In ancient times, cedar wood was especially desirable for its aromatic qualities as well as its resistance to decay and bugs. Lebanon was known for its magnificent cedars and was once heavily forested with them.  Cedar was a major export and source of wealth, although, in more recent years, Lebanon has faced deforestation. Even today, the image of a cedar tree is found on the Lebanese national flag. 🇱🇧

In Ezekiel 31, Assyria is compared to a Cedar of Lebanon and described thus:

“Beautiful branches overshadowing the forest; it towered on high, its top above the thick foliage. The waters nourished it, deep springs made it grow tall; their streams flowed all around its base and sent their channels to all the trees of the field. So it towered higher than all the trees of the field; its boughs increased and its branches grew long, spreading because of abundant waters. All the birds of the sky nested in its boughs, all the animals of the wild gave birth under its branches; all the great nations lived in its shade. It was majestic in beauty, with its spreading boughs, for its roots went down to abundant waters.” Ezekiel 31:3-7

The symbolism of the cedar points to the former greatness of Assyria, as it towered magnificently over the other nations of the earth.

Cedar is mentioned throughout the Old Testament as an item of luxury and wealth. David used cedar wood in building his palace (2 Samuel 5:11; 7:2), and it was also used in building the temple (1 Kings 5:6; 2 Kings 19:23), which was almost completely panelled with cedar (1 Kings 6:6,16,18,20,36).
Solomon used it in his Palace of the Forest of Lebanon, with cedar columns, beams, and roof (1 Kings 7:2).

Cedar was also used in the construction of The Second Temple (Ezra 3:7, thus the abundance of cedar was seen as a sign of prosperity (1Kings 10:27; 2 Chronicles 1:15).

David and Solomon acquired their cedar from Hiram, king of Tyre, a city in Lebanon (1 Chronicles 14:1; 2 Chronicles 2:3), where the best cedar was to be found.

The fact that God planted the cedars in Lebanon was a sign of His power and goodness (Psalm 29:5; 104:16).  His ability to break or burn them is a sign of His power to judge (Zechariah 11:1; Isaiah 2:3; 14:8).  Jeremiah warned the king of Judah that, although he rested in a House of Cedar — figuratively calling his residence “Lebanon” — he would not escape judgment Jeremiah 22:14, 15, 23).

The Cedars of Lebanon were a gift from God and a source of wealth for Lebanon, the cities of Tyre and Sidon especially benefiting from their export (1 Chronicles 17:1, 6; 22:4).

Although Tyre and Sidon were on friendly terms with Israel under David and Solomon, in later years they became enemies, and Tyre rejoiced over the fall of Judah. Therefore, God promised judgment (Ezekiel 26).

The cedars of Lebanon should remind us that every good gift comes from God, but when we focus on the gift without thanking and worshiping the One who gave it, we too will face judgment.

Veronika West : Signs of the Times – Cedar Red – Divine Distinction and Separation

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