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Victor Mitchell : Thus Far And No Further

There was an urgency about this ROAR over the Body of Christ today. There is a boldness and an authority that comes with this declaration that is coming from Heaven’s Throne Room, coming to individuals, but also coming to the Bride of Christ who has been letting the enemy take ground. 

My Ecclesia, My Bride, RISE UP with swords in hand. Stand to attention and draw your sword in a line in front of you. Look at your enemy, the devil, and his numerous hordes of demons and draw a line in the sand for your enemy to see. Declare with everything within you, “THUS FAR SATAN, AND NO FURTHER.”  

I hear the Lord say that now is a time of declaration into the enemy’s camp, just as Gideon and God’s selected 300 men, with their fire pitchers in their hands, and the shout of the Lord in their mouths, they brought confusion to the enemy’s camp and victory to their own.  

Decree and declare with all that is within you, that the Battle is the LORD’s, no matter what, no matter where, no matter who!  Let everything within you shout to the LORD. It is time to ROAR with the authority that the Lord has given us. Shout, for the battle is the LORD’s, and having done everything else, in our own strength and might, Shout, Decree and Declare, for the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever. 

The frost that covers the ground is sent to break up the fallow soil and destroy the harmful bugs. “So, it shall be as you Declare and Shout and Decree, MY LIVING WORDS over your life and your families’ lives,” declares the Lord.  

No FURTHER, to have wrack and ruin over our lives.


No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our spouse’s life.  

No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our children’s lives. 

No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our parents’ lives.


No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our generations’ lives.


No more to bring wrack and ruin over our health.


No more to bring wrack and ruin over our provision and finances. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our work. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our ministries. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our businesses.  

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our thoughts.  

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our understanding. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over the creative aspects of our lives. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over the things that are of GOD in our lives. 

The enemy has come in, with lovely words and nice thoughts; with busy schedules and people who ‘need’ us. He is keeping us focused and distracted with his plans and his agendas. He is keeping us busy and pre-occupied doing ‘good’! The enemy knows how to play at our heart strings, for he is a master of deception, and he will try to overwhelm us and push us down, gradually, slowly, he is not in any rush, his long-term goal is to keep us all off our target.


Funny! When an archer missed his target in medieval times, he was told that he had sinned.  He knew exactly what had happened and so he adjusted for the next time he would shoot his arrow at the target.  The word ‘sinned’ in medieval times was said to be, that the archer missed his targeted. The enemy wants us to MISS the targets that Abba Father has placed for us. The enemy wants to side track us so that we miss the mark of the high calling of God upon our lives. 

Let the Sword of the Spirit of Life bring about divine strategies and counter measures to stop the rise of the enemy in the land today. Let us stand, having done everything else that we can physically do.  Let us stand and see the Lord defeat the enemy before our very eyes. Let us sever all partnerships that have arisen from not having those Godly hedges and boundaries of protection around us. As we yield our lives afresh to Yahweh today, may we allow ABBA Father to take those ungodly partnerships, and ungodly soul-ties and cut them off! 


Declare with the help and power of The Ruach Holy Spirit, that as you stand up for the Lord, remember that your enemy is a liar, a deceiver, and an absolute thug. Realise today, if God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 

Victor Mitchell : Thus Far And No Further

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