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Victory is a Promise — Defeat is a Choice!

My People are defeated, because they have believed that the War is against flesh and blood, and not against the powers and principalities of darkness.

My People are defeated, because they have turned against one another with the very Power and Authority that I have given them to destroy the enemy and his cohorts.

Yes!  My People are defeated, because they have sown to the flesh and not to the spirit – they have refused to humble themselves under My mighty Hand — and therefore I have had to resist them.

My People have been defeated, because they have taken their eyes off of their Master and put their eyes rather on man — they have leaned heavily on the arm of the flesh, and they have counted their horses and chariots.

My People have been defeated, because they have reasoned with their own understanding and they have run after the ways of this world.

My People have been defeated, because they have become lovers of themselves, and not lovers of the Truth that will set them free and deliver them from the hand of the enemy.

Oh, how My Heart is grieved, for My People!

Ha!  I tell you the Truth…   My People have been defeated, because they have set up idols of their own imagination and their wild fantasies — they have chosen to believe and take comfort in the words of mere men — over My  Word — which is Living, Active and all Powerful.

Oh how My People perish!

Again I say,  My People have been defeated, for they have made religion more important than deep and intimate relationship with Me.

The Secret Place has taken second place, and the works of sensationalism have been exalted above the humble works of the supernatural.

My People have been defeated, because they have made room for a rebellious spirit embracing the powers of compromise and passivity instead of being empowered through a life of true surrender and submission to My Holy Spirit.

Oh how My People have been defeated by the lies of the great deceiver!

Awake!   Awake, My Beloved — and take Me at My Word and watch, as My Victory is made manifest in the midst of you.

How My Heart cries for those who have been defeated, because they have chosen the path of death over a life of abundance and beauty.

How My Heart longs for My People to walk in the Victory of The Blood that was shed by My Son for them!

Oh you of little faith — how much longer do you desire to walk around this mountain, going round in circles — reliving destructive cycles — when My New Covenant has entitled you to lay claim on a land flowing with milk and honey — and unlimited supply?’

Beloved, come away with Me!  Leave it all behind!  Do not despair, for I AM a God of Mercy and Grace.  I Am a God of New Beginnings and fresh starts.  I AM The Way Maker and destructive cycle breaker.

Listen!  Incline your ears — for I AM calling you back to My Heart!  I AM calling you to come back to your senses, and to the place of true Repentance.

I say, turn away from the ways of the world, and to return to The Narrow Path — yes, to the way of ?Righteousness that leads to Life and eternal Liberty.

My beloved, do you hear My Voice?

Do you know the sound of My Voice — for My Voice is distinctive from all the other voices — because I will always call you to surrender — I will call you to a life of greater yeildedness, and to a relinquishing of your will and your ways to Me.

I will call you to seek first My Kingdom and My Righteousness.

Today, I AM calling you to put on The Full Armor of God, to stand firm in the face of the enemy — and to fight the good fight of Faith!

I AM calling you to walk in the Authority and Power that I have given you as My Child, and to cast down every vain imagination that has created strongholds in your mind, and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Beloved, do not be discouraged!  Do not be afraid — for I AM with you always.

I AM an ever present help.  I AM The God Who Delivers, The God Who Restores, The God Who makes all things new.

So trust in Me, believe in Me, and watch as I turn your defeat into Victory, your sorrow into joy, and your mourning into dancing.

Rise up, My Beloved, for the battle is not yours — but Mine!

It belongs to Me and to My Angel Armies.  Therefore, stand firm in The Truth of My Word.

Hold fast to My Promises — and know that I AM Faithful to bring you through every trial and every tribulation.

I AM The LORD your God — and I will never leave you nor forsake you!

Rise up and walk in My Victory!  Walk in My Love, and know that I AM with you always, even to the end of the age!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Victory is a Promise — Defeat is a Choice!

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