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Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?


Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

This is a Prayerful Prophetic Submission from the Watchmen in Ireland.

This came this morning during our On-line IDH War Room and I submit this to the faithful Watchmen on the Walls for our Beloved America.

So, check this out! The Spirit started to speak to me during our Prayer Time. What came was very clearly — but what I saw had great contention over it. It looked like a clashing of the Titans.

So, suddenly, I saw the number 45 and I knew by The Spirit it was talking about Trump, the 45th President.

Ten I saw (911)… and Psalm 91:1… was quickened to me and I heard, ”A Two-Term President.”

But then suddenly I saw the number 47, and again I knew by Revelation it was talking about Trump.

Then a scroll unraveled before me:

45 : 4+5 = 9

47: 4+7 = 11 (Psalm 91:1)

4×5 = 20

4×7 = 28 (2024-2028 = 4 Years)

20+28 = 48?!

Prophetic Significance of: 45.. 47… 48

9 : Judgement & Birthing

11 : Entered into the 11th Hour

11 : 11 written in Hebrew means (Hand) and (Strength)

11 : Isaiah 11 — Seven Spirits of God — Spirit and Power of Elijah

11 : Deuteronomy 11:11 — Transition into Blessing

11 : Luke 11:11 — Transitional Revelation

11 : Genesis 32:22 — in verse 22 (11 doubled), an angel visits Jacob and they wrestled until dawn.

It was at this point that Jacob received the revelation that he was to change his name to Israel and transition into his destiny with much more clarity and boldness/

A Man/ A Nation(s) / The Ecclesia — in the midst of Divine Transition — Great Danger — Spirit of Deception seeks to Steal the Birthright — Jacob and Esau — an Esau Spirit Rises to Steal the Birthright and Inheritance — Esau meaning Fleshly Spirit.

Trump will Win but Walk with a limp.

Dream of Trump Wrestling with the Angel — A War is Unfolding for the Destiny and Birthright of a Nation(s) in this hour: see HKP link : America: Trump Will Win — But Will Walk With a Limp

The Position of the Ecclesia — Mantle of Priesthood — Mantle of Daniel (9), Chapter (9) — True Repentance — Stitch in time that Saves (9) a Nation(s) from Judgement — a Prayer in time brings Nations into a Time of Birthing

Position of the Ecclesia — is a position of Intercession where there is Wrestling — and a Warring — at the Altar of Elijah.

The Apostolic and Prophetic Proclamation of the Ecclesia — “We will not let go until!”

TRUMP has a two-fold symbolic and prophetic meaning that speaks to;

  • ⁠Both The Nation(s) and to the Ecclesia;
  • ⁠Speaks to A Nation(s) in Divine Transition — A Nation(s) now Wrestling for the Blessing;
  • The Ecclesia Warring/ Wrestling for the True Kingdom Destiny — Identity and Inheritance of a Nation(s);
  • Warring and contending against the Esau Spirit/ Spirit of Deception that comes to Steal Destiny and Birthright.

The FIERY Furnace over Nations — 7 Times hotter — A Now Word for The Nations!”

pixabay image-hell-1690451

Mantle of Daniel (Daniel meaning God is Judge) and Esther (Esther derived from the Babylonian gods of Ishtar).

God of Judgment; Daniel Mantle and Esther Mantles are Rising in the Nations to deal with the Babylonian gods… Systems and Structures; what goes (into) the Fire to be burned up… (the Ancients/Babylonian gods are being dealt with in the Fiery furnace…

The Appearance of the Fourth Man — speaks both to DIVINE INTERVENTION AND SUPERNATURAL VISION, Divine Empowerment and Illumination comes to the Ecclesia in the Fire — Fourth Dimension of Sight — Four Faces of God made manifest.

I hear these Words, ”Watch! For a Divine Manifestation of the Four Faces of God shall be Seen in the Fiery Furnace over the Next Seven Years!

Watch! For the Four Faces of God shall be made manifest through the Mantles that fall in the midst of the fiery Furnace.

I say Prophesy to the Breath — Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four faces of God in the midst of the Fiery Furnace!”

Prophetic Side Notes:

What’s interesting in this Word, is when God suddenly speaks about the Four Faces in the Fire and He says, ”Prophesy to the Breath” as He did to Ezekiel in the valley of Dry Bones — Ezekiel’s fiery Wheel is where the four faces were seen.

Ezekiel’s Wheel speaks of a new Movement of The Spirit rising in The Nations of the earth.

The Manifest Power of the Four faces of God will be seen in the midst of the Seven Year Fiery Furnace!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

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