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William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

AI generated image of King Josiah reading from the ancient scroll surrounded by Baal worship

I was thinking about preparing a word for 2024 to share in my regular Friday online session with The 7000. I then had a dream on 13 December where I heard the Lord say that “2024 is a King Josiah season”. I had to look up the story of King Josiah to see what this was about and the story related to finding God’s way of doing things that had been lost or hidden. It speaks to a nation and religious establishment that had lost its way and was doing all kinds of things, but not the things that God had instructed or desired. They had systems and economic models in operation that were just wrong. Using our ekklesia nomenclature, they were not Kingdom.


Let me set the stage described in 2 Kings 22 and 23. Horses and chariots dedicated to the sun god lined the entrance to the temple. Everyone consulted mediums. Wizards and idols were everywhere. Inside the temple were vessels dedicated to the worship of Baal, Asherah, and the hosts of the heavens. Asherah idols were in the temple along with altars for worship. Right beside the temple were the male cult prostitutes and people who served the Asherah. Nearby, the sacrifice of children to the god Molech was still in practice. This was the norm for the day, and everyone lived in this reality.


This was the picture of daily life (and worse), when a scroll containing God’s law and covenant was found in the temple. It seemed like everyone had forgotten how to live and had been fully absorbed by the culture of their day. Defilement had not just crept in – it had become the norm. 


Then someone found an old scroll and everything changed.  Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, Hilkiah the priest has given me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king. And when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he rent his clothes. And the king commanded …Go, inquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that has been found. For great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us because our fathers have not listened and obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us. (2 Kings 22: 10-13 AMP)


When he enquired of the Lord, he heard the grave news of pending judgement. Not knowing was no excuse, but here is how Josiah responded:


The king went up to the house of the Lord, and with him all the men of Judah, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests, the prophets, and all the people, both small and great. And he read in their ears all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which was found in the Lord’s house. The king stood [on the platform] by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord—to walk after the Lord and to keep His commandments, His testimonies, and His statutes with all his heart and soul, to confirm the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to join in the covenant.

And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second rank and the keepers of the threshold to bring out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal, for [the goddess] Asherah, and for all the hosts of the heavens; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel [where Israel’s idolatry began]. (2 Kings 23: 2-4 AMP)

King Josiah then went on to destroy the idols and framework for defilement that existed in the land. His response is an example to us, illustrating what we are to do when the defilement of the world is found in our lives: repent, restore the covenant, and then destroy the works of the devil. Kingdom Finance is to partner with God in destroying the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).


Like the people in Josiah’s time, many today have forgotten the truths of the Kingdom. The culture of the world has so invaded the church that we are unaware of the altars of Baal in our midst. We don’t even know they are wrong. Yet when the word of our covenant of Kingdom is read, the truth brings realisation, revolution, and change. When we see things God’s way, the temple prostitutes and pagan altars cannot remain. Revelation allows us to see the defilement and bondage in contrast to the blessing of the covenant that God intended. 


King Josiah found out what God was all about and the truth of His plans that had been lost. He realised that the structures in operation were not right and a new approach was needed. King Josiah understood that they had been doing it all wrong.


We are in a season where we need to find the word from the Lord about what Kingdom means in 2024. Like in the day of King Josiah we are off course, missing Kingdom’s mark and God is revealing to us how we really should be living and how Kingdom really works.


It is a season of founded identity. Our identity must be founded upon the rock of Jesus. We are to operate – In Him. In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). This is the opposite of what many are doing as they chase woke agendas and try to appease the mob through the deJesusification of the church. Too many talking about inner peace, the light within, and finding your true purpose, while ignoring the fact that the only path to God is through Christ Jesus (Jn 14:6). 


We need to remember that in the Kingdom we are freed to serve. The cry of Moses was not for freedom but for freedom to serve (Ex 8:1). This season is not about our claimed identity as “The Prophet” or “The Apostle” or “The Pastor” etc, but what we are to be In Him. It is not about the old hierarchy divisions of clergy and laity or the false pride found in the green rooms. The silo paranoia and competitiveness of the ravening hunger for recognition has sadly been a hallmark of the prophetic in the last season. Part of the King Josiah Kingdom revelation, is that we are the Jesus Generation – putting the King back in Kingdom. Rediscovering the word of Kingdom – rediscovering the KING. Jesus is responding now to the deJesusification of the “church” – in 2024 the new move is all about Jesus, all about the Word and all about the Spirit.

2024 is a “Post church” era or a “proto-Kingdom” era. We are leaving the classical old models and, like King Josiah, God is revealing what His way looks like in 2024. The season in 2023 was the season of the winnowing wind (see blogs including and this wind is separating out that which cannot hold His glory. Any element that is part of the old season will be left behind unless it is reformed to reflect Kingdom – consecrated places are being revisited and the broken altars torn down and rebuilt. The altars of Baal are being left behind and new altars are being rebuilt that can hold His Glory and the fire of His presence. God is saying in 2024 that: “My children will be safe.” Millstones are being applied where this has not been true (Mark 9:42) so watch the defiled be exposed and evicted. Past seasons of silo Christianity have not been safe places – God is breaking the silos, protecting His children, and building covenantal Kingdom relationships!

I spoke in 2023 about Kingdom Relationships and 2024 is a season of Kingdom covenantal relationships being manifested ( Don’t mourn the relationships that have been lost in the winnowing wind – revel and celebrate the covenantal relationships that God is bringing into manifestation in 2024. 


In 2024, even as the mouth utters wokeisms, the eviction notices are received – for you cannot be friends with the world without becoming an enemy of God.  You [are like] unfaithful wives [having illicit love affairs with the world and breaking your marriage vow to God]! Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God. James 4:4 AMPC


Families, organisations, ministries, cities, regions and nations have eaten scrolls of judgement and, but for the mercy of God, are open for “redistribution” or “restructuring” like the wiping of the plate described regarding Jerusalem (2 Kings 21:13). Look to the foundation plaques, prayers and dedications – as God destroys the corrupt collaborative edifice and returns to the Godly foundations.

I have spoken about the global economy as a creaking chair and 2024 is also the season of the creaking chair. The creaking is the voice given to the pending economic and cultural collapse – expect some loud shocks. Look to the alternative ecosystems that God is raising up – not just The 7000 – but in every area and in every sphere.

Look for the laid-down lovers of Jesus, as 2024 is a season of anointing, not ego, personal agendas, and usurpation. Look for the “leprosy of Moses’ usurpers”(Numbers 12), as those operating in the usurping spirit will be dealt with directly by the Lord. However, there will be a multitude of genuine Kingdom voices as we leave the silo season of Christian individuality and ego and enter a season more like “bomber command” – Christians operating collaboratively as a centralised force under a King with immense power to reform systems. Expect the rise of the Digital Rapture and, like Joseph in Egypt, the revelation of God’s solutions starting to manifest.

For Christian investors, avoid the key hazard of REVERSE MONEY-LAUNDERING. This is where funds needed for Kingdom ventures are instead used to protect individuals or are invested in fear. This is where Kingdom resources are mixed with fear, thereby taking clean money and making it dirty. This happens when funds are mixed with fear, self preservation, instead of funding Kingdom solutions. We have seen this in 2023 and it is something to avoid in 2024 – the Digital Rapture needs to be funded and the people that are fasting and praying for where to put their funds need to hear the voice of the Lord and not listen to the voice of the world. Joseph’s storehouses need funding champions.

The bus is leaving the station and those not on it will be left behind – the anointing is on the move and we must follow Kingdom or be left with the memory. New voices are rising up, voices that have been hand-forged in the crucible of God’s presence – people will say: “What are you doing here?” even as they are dispossessed.


We pray that 2024 will be a powerful year of the revelation of His Kingdom. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in 2024 as it is in heaven.

Written by William Abraham

William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

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