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House of Benjamin; Faith Towards God.

House of Benjamin; Faith Towards God.

Faith Towards God; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert 

House of Benjamin; Faith Towards God.

Veronika West

Faith Towards God; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert 

House of Benjamin; Faith Towards God.

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22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Call Upon Him!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Call Upon Him!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…; Call Upon Him By Will Graham 

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Call Upon Him!

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…; Call Upon Him By Will Graham 

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Call Upon Him!

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22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

..”JOSHUA’S CALL”…A MIGHTY PROPHETIC COMPANY OF SHOFAR WARRIORS ARE RISING IN IRELAND; …”Watch!…For The Fires of Revival shall once again burn brightly in this land of Ireland,..and I shall Remember…

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

Veronika West


…”Watch!…For The Fires of Revival shall once again burn brightly in this land of Ireland,..and I shall Remember My Covenant and I shall Remember the Prayers of St Patrick and the Saints that walked the length and breadth of these Celtic Lands,..

…Listen!..For a Sound is Rising,..a Sound of Distinction…Yes!! Ancient Sounds are Rising that shall bring forth a Great Awakening to this sleeping and Slumbering Land,..Ancient Sounds that shall Bring to Birth a New Movement in the Earth,..

…Listen!…For the Ancient Sounds of these Celtic lands shall be heard that shall herald the Coming of My Glory that shall forge a Highway of Holiness from these Emerald Isles to the Nations of the Earth…

..Watch!…For I say,..This is the Hour of Divine Recovery As the treasures of the Ancient Pathways are Restored,..Watch! For the Mantles of the Saints that walked these lands shall once again be made manifest in the midst of you..and the Beacon shall burn and Mantle of St Patrick shall fall and a Land in bondage shall break free and shall become a Key,..a Key that shall bring forth a supernatural Turning,..Turning,..and a Great Unlocking,..for the Ancient Sounds shall unlock the Ancient Wells and a land once divided shall suddenly be United”…!!


…Recently while Praying together on the IDH Prayer MayDay Call,…the Spirit began to show me a NEW WORSHIP MOVEMENT RISING IN THIS NATION…But also in the Nations,…while Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart and Showing me this New Worship Movement Rising,…suddenly I saw a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS…Specifically Wind Instruments…that were coming to the fore in this New Worship Movement,…and the Spirit of Revelation began to Say,…

…”Listen and Watch!…For Even NOW the Resurrection Breath of My Seven Spirits is Breathing New Life back into the Dry Bones of Nations in The Valley of Decision…I Say,..I Shall Kiss the Nations with the Kiss of Life through the Ancient Celtic Instruments of this land of Ireland,..Listen!…For My Heart beat shall be heard in the Bodhrán,..the Bells and the Harp,…and My Spirit Winds of Resurrection breath shall blow forth through the Flutes,..and the Whistles,..through the Harmonica and the Pipes…

…I say Listen!…as the Battle Cry of the Mighty Warriors and the Call to War and to Awaken and Stand upon the Wall is heard through the Sound of the Shofars in the Coming Days,…

…I Say…Incline your Ears and Let My Voice and My Breath Ignite and Align you with this Kiaros Time,..for this is the Appointed Hour where the New and Ancient Sounds will Collide in these Celtic Lands and the Ancient Sounds shall become Keys that will Uncap the Ancient Wells and Open the Door to Divine Restoration and Kingdom Reform”..!

….Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the Lord is coming, For it is at hand: A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.

A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. A fire devours before them, And behind them a flame burns; The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, And behind them a desolate wilderness; Surely nothing shall escape them.

Their appearance is like the appearance of horses; And like swift steeds, so they run. With a noise like chariots Over mountaintops they leap, Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, Like a strong people set in battle array. Before them the people writhe in pain; All faces are drained of color.

They run like mighty men, They climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation, And they do not break ranks. They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column.

Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down. They run to and fro in the city, They run on the wall; They climb into the houses, They enter at the windows like a thief. The earth quakes before them, The heavens tremble; The sun and moon grow dark, And the stars diminish their brightness.

The Lord gives voice before His army, For His camp is very great; For strong is the One who executes His word. For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; Who can endure it?”
‭‭Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭11

Ps; The Shipment of Shofars have arrived….!!

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

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22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

All News; The Commissioning of Joshua’s Call

All News; The Commissioning of Joshua’s Call

..THE COMMISSIONING OF JOSHUA’S CALL; 1/6….Date; 1st June (6)….; Joshua 6th Book…Chapter 1…! …As we Gathered together yesterday,…in the afternoon we had a powerful time of Commissioning those that have…

All News; The Commissioning of Joshua’s Call

Veronika West

..THE COMMISSIONING OF JOSHUA’S CALL; 1/6….Date; 1st June (6)….; Joshua 6th Book…Chapter 1…!

…As we Gathered together yesterday,…in the afternoon we had a powerful time of Commissioning those that have Aligned with Joshua’s Call,…many received their Shofars/Weapons for the days ahead,..but as we were Praying and Waiting on the Lord,..suddenly Holy Spirit quickened the Prophetic significance of the Day,..the Month and our specific location….; St Patrick’s Church..!

..God gave us…THE DAY (1) MONTH (6) AND THE POST CODE LOCATION (222)….; 1/6/222

…Joshua (6th) Book…Chapter (1)…and the Post Code of St Patrick’s Church (222); Isaiah 22:22…

…Ha!! Talk about A KAIROS MOMENT…for the Commissioning of Joshua’s Call Army….; Only God can orchestrate such sacred and defining moments..!!

…I believe what God is Building and Establishing through Joshua’s Call is not just for Ireland but for and to the Nations….

…I can See a Vision of a National Gathering already taking place in the Spirit. What is being birthed in Ireland through Joshua’s Call will impact Nations…I see a Mighty Seed in fertile Ground bringing forth a forest of Trees with leaves for the Healing of the Nations,…; God is doing a Mighty Work in our midst…; Do not despise the day of small Beginnings,…

…I can See a National Gathering of Mighty Shofar Warriors Rising and Coming together in Unity and One Accord…with A National Call to War for the Glory at the Gates of our Nations….

…I See an Army of Mighty Shofar Warriors Rising to Sound the Sound of Distinction, Sound the Call to the Walls of our Cities and to Sound the Sound that will uproot and tear down every Demonic Throne that has exalted itself against the Throne of the King of Kings in our Land…

…The Sound of Awakening,..Revival and Reformation is HERE!!

All News; The Commissioning of Joshua’s Call

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Delight In Him

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Delight In Him

…Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; By Will Graham Kingdom Highway Ministries…!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Delight In Him

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; By Will Graham Kingdom Highway Ministries…!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Delight In Him

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

…House of Zebulun; Kingdom Mindset War Room..!

Veronika West

…House of Zebulun; Kingdom Mindset War Room..!

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

May 24, 2024 Veronika West Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree a thing and It Shall be Established! A Great Harvest, Healing and Restoration of The…

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

Veronika West

AI image of gold coins planted in field

Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree a thing and It Shall be Established!

A Great Harvest, Healing and Restoration of The Nations!

In our May Day Prayer Call this morning, the couple who were hosting us began to speak about the hard ground of the Nation(s) being turned over, and the Soil being prepared to receive the Seed.

Then one of the Prophets on our call began to share that as the ground was being turned and the Soil being prepared to receive the Seed, suddenly he saw Trees rise from the ground with Keys hanging on the branches of the Trees.

He then began to prophesy that God was releasing Keys to Unlock Doors and bring Breakthrough to the land and to The Nations — Kingdom Keys were being released to the Rising Remnant.

Now, as this was being shared, The Holy Spirit took me back into a powerful Vision that I had at the beginning of 2020, when I was standing in a Harvest Field and the field stretched beyond the horizon.

But while standing in the field, suddenly I saw a Strong Ox and a Powerful Stallion standing side by side and I watched as the an Angel of the Harvest placed a Yoke upon the Ox and the Stallion, and I heard the Spirit say, ”Watch! For in the Seasons ahead I shall Yoke the Apostolic and Prophetic together in a New Way, and a New Move of the Apostolic and Prophetic shall be birthed in the Nations and bring to birth a Great Harvest in the Earth!”

[See also UK: The LORD Calls for the Rebuilding and Restoration of the Altars]

Well, this morning I was taken back into that same Great Harvest field and I watched as the Strength of the Ox and the Power of the Stallion began to move together in Unity — and the two together pulled a large plow.

I watched as the blade of that plough began to cut into the hard ground and the Soil was turned, and as the Soil was being prepared.

Suddenly, I saw a great Multitude of Harvest Angels come into the Vision, and I watched as the Angels stood at Attention, waiting and watching as the Ox and the Stallion moved across the field.

Then the Vision opened up even more and I saw a Mighty Remnant Army Marching behind the Plow and I saw The Remnant begin to Decree, Declare, Pray and Prophesy — and as they opened their mouths — once again I saw Gold Coins coming out of their Mouths and the Gold Coins fell like Seeds deep into the Soil of the field.

And as the Governing Ecclesia — the Mighty Remnant Army — marched behind the Plow, I watched as Gold Coins fell into the Soil like Seeds.

Then suddenly I saw that as the Gold Coins/Seed fell into the ground the Angels of the Harvest were fully activated and they were deployed across the vast Harvest Field.

Now, as the Multitude of Angels went across the field, I saw Beautiful Green Trees spring up from the ground, and I saw the Leaves on the Trees were Keys, and the Fruit on the Branches were Gold Coins, and I heard The Spirit say, ”I say, take hold of the Keys and they will become the Leaves for the Healing of The Nations!

I say, eat the Gold Coins/ Fruit on the Trees, and they will become the Living Seed to Decree Change, Change, Change!

Watch! For this land is now turning over a New Leaf, for I say this day, a New Page is turning, for a Prodigal Nation(s) shall surely come back to its senses and Turn, Return and be Restored!”

The Spirit of Revelation then showed me the Ancient Wells and the Altars, and I heard these Words, “It’s Time to Seed the Ancient Wells! It’s Time Turn the Keys at the Altars for the Healing and Restoration of the Nations!”

Please Read Prophetic Notes:

  • Gold Keys — Green Leaves — for the Healing of the Nations.
  • Living Keys — Healing Leaves — Spiritual Covering — Glory Rests upon the Living Keys
  • Living Keys — Coming as Living Sacrifices — back to Repentance/to the Altars of Awakening
  • Gold Coins — Seeds in the Soil — Living Seeds/ Living Word; Decree a Seed/ Thing and it Shall be Established — Coins/ Decree/ Speak to the Wells — Time to Seed the Wells of Revival once again.

”I say, take hold of The Keys and they will become the Leaves for the Healing of the Nations!

I Say, eat the Gold Coins/ Fruit on the Trees and they will become the Living Seed to Decree Change, Change, Change!

Watch, for this land is now turning over a New Leaf — for I say this day a New Page is turning — for a Prodigal Nation(s) shall surely come back to its senses and Turn, Return and be Restored!”

Gold Keys — Leaves — Healing and Restoration comes through true Repentance at the Altars — then Glory Returns to Cover like leaves on the Trees.

Gold Coins — Seed/ Fruit — Speak to the Wells — Living Word is like Living Seed that when Decreed brings forth the Uncapping of the Wells of Revival.


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

House of Benjamin; What Are Good Works?!

House of Benjamin; What Are Good Works?!

…What Are Good Works; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert 

House of Benjamin; What Are Good Works?!

Veronika West

What Are Good Works; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert 

House of Benjamin; What Are Good Works?!

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub’s 21 day “May Day” prayer gathering: “I was in a house (holy and high…

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

Veronika West

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub’s 21 day “May Day” prayer gathering:

“I was in a house (holy and high place) and I looked out the window and saw water rising … I knew a tsunami was imminent and there was no time to run to higher ground and the man in the dream said: “you have to stay in the house!” I knew in the spirit that prayer was the only way to survive as I knew we were going to die otherwise.

I immediately turned towards the tsunami and stretched out my hands and started to pray. – – Prayer is the strategy just like the lambs blood marked on the doorways during the Passover of the death angel. (Exodus 11-19) – –

We then opened the front door and saw that the tsunami had passed over and the soil of the earth had been over turned and stopped in mid action and looked like a high curled surf that was frozen! We were spared and safe because of prayer!

This is a call to PRAY for your NATION and your families because we can minimise/ escape the destruction.

Lord may this Tsunami of destruction Pass over our lives and keep us safely in your hands. 


Donna Abraham 

See Link;

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

May 22, 2024 Veronika West A War over His Word and a Battle over the Blueprints! It’s time to turn The Key, to unleash the Angel Armies of Exodus 23…

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

Veronika West

A War over His Word and a Battle over the Blueprints! It’s time to turn The Key, to unleash the Angel Armies of Exodus 23 and the Stinging Hornets of Joshua 24!

I hear The Spirit say, ”There is a Battle raging over the Blueprints I have put in your hand, and there is a War over The Word I have spoken over you for the Days ahead!

But fear not! For I say, open your mouth and turn The Key, and Decree that the Angel Armies of Exodus 23 — and the Stinging Hornets of Joshua 24 — will go before to Deliver, to Redeem and to Restore in a time of coming Famine and even New Wars!”

Friends, this is the time to rise up in Faith and Boldness, to Declare the promises of God over every situation!

The enemy may try to come against The Blueprints and Words that God has given us, but we must stand firm in the Authority that has been given to us.

We are not alone in this battle, for The LORD has promised to send His Angel Armies to fight on our behalf.

As we Decree and Declare The Word of God, we will see breakthrough and victory in the midst of trials and challenges.

The Stinging Hornet of Joshua 24 will go before us, clearing the way and bringing justice and redemption to every situation.

We must not cower in fear, but instead stand strong in the power of God’s promises.

So let us lift up our voices, open our mouths, and turn The Key of Faith to unlock the supernatural provision and protection that God has in store for us.

As we trust in Him and speak His Word boldly, we will see miracles and wonders unfold before our eyes.

The time is now to Arise and Shine, for The LORD is with us in this battle and He will lead us to Victory and triumph!

“Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him. But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries. For My Angel will go before you and bring you in to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will cut them off. “ Exodus 23:20-23.

“I sent the hornet before you which drove them out from before you, also the two kings of the Amorites, but not with your sword or with your bow.” Joshua 24:12.


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

More Recent Posts

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…