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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!

..Overcoming Curses and Idolatry: A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!  ..Come as we delve into Numbers 22-25 and 31,…; Here we are reminded of the importance of being watchful against…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!

House of Simeon

..Overcoming Curses and Idolatry: A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..! 

..Come as we delve into Numbers 22-25 and 31,…; Here we are reminded of the importance of being watchful against word curses and idolatry.

…The story of Balaam and Balak serves as a cautionary tale, revealing the potential dangers that lie outside the camp.

…Just as Balaam was enticed by the offer of wealth and power from Balak, we too must be cautious of the seducing spirits that may attempt to lead us astray…

Today in prayer, We will Seek the Lord for deliverance from any and all spiritual influence from seducing spirits.

…Let us Ask Him to strengthen and sharpen our discernment and grant us the wisdom to identify and resist any deceptive influence.

…The enemy may attempt to curse us through the words or actions of those outside the camp,..but with God’s divine protection, we can overcome and rise above any such attacks…

Isaiah 54;17…”No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD”..! 

However, we know that it is not only external influences that can pose a threat…; But Within the camp, the consequences of idolatry and immorality can be severe..

…The story of Israel’s sin with the Moabite women, resulted in a plague that claimed the lives of many, this serves as a sobering reminder to us all….; Let this story serve as a catalyst to us all for the need of self-examination in the light of the Gospel.

…Today…we will take time to reflect on our own personal lives asking Holy Spirit to help us identify any areas of idolatry or immorality that may be creeping in….Perhaps there are pursuits, possessions, or even some relationships that have taken precedence over our devotion to the Lord.

…Let’s be quick to Acknowledge any potential idols that have taken the place of God and let us seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom on how to let go of them…

…This may be a difficult process,…but let’s remember that God only requires us to leave behind what is ultimately hindering our spiritual growth and a closer and more intimate relationship with Him.

…In prayer, we must surrender any idols that have taken our focus and total reliance on the Lord,..; We can Ask Him to completely detach us from all of them.

…Friend,..Trust that He knows what is best for you and that His plans will always far surpass any temporary pleasures or ungodly attachments..

..As we engage in this battle against generational curses and idolatry,…We must remember to lean on and look to God alone for the Victory to be made manifest.

..Lastly,..As we Pray fervently,..Seeking His strength and guidance every step of the way…we choose to Trust that through His power we can overcome any and every spiritual attack and be set free from the stronghold of idols…

…Be vigilant to Guard your heart and mind against the temptations that lurk both outside and within the camp…; Remain steadfast and watchful, recognising that the enemy seeks to derail our journey of faith….; But take comfort in knowing that with God by our side, we have the power and Authority to resist and conquer the assignments of the enemy.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!

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21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength..!

..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength: A Journey of Restoration and Renewal”..! …Read Psalms 39, 66, and 80… …As you start your day, immerse yourself in the wisdom and…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength..!

House of Simeon

..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength: A Journey of Restoration and Renewal”..!

Read Psalms 39, 66, and 80…

…As you start your day, immerse yourself in the wisdom and strength of the Psalms…

Open your heart to the words of Psalms 39, 66, and 80, allowing each verse to wash over you and minister deeply into your spirit…

…Let the Psalms remind you of God’s faithfulness,..and His ability to not only restore but reverse wasted time and years,…Let it remind you of His Redemptive Power to quicken your mortal body,..enlarge your spiritual capacity and give you supernatural strength.

Declare;…This is the Season of Divine Restoration…All wasted time will be reversed…and Fully Restored.

…In faith,..declare with boldness that the Years the Locusts have eaten will be Restored….; Speak it out loud, feel the power behind your Words, and believe that God is working to redeem every lost opportunity, every delay, and every setback…

…Trust that God is faithful to restore what has been lost and make all things new…

…Thank God for the trials and even testings that you are going through,..; Though it may be hard,…exhausting and even difficult, recognise that these challenges are opportunities for spiritual growth and Character development…

…Acknowledge that these tests are not meant to break you, but to enlarge your capacity for greatness….; GOD IS WORKING ALL THINGS FOR YOUR GOOD AND HIS GLORY..

…Declare with confidence that through these trials, you will become stronger, wiser, patient,..long suffering and more resilient…

…Beloved,..Stir up your strength and cry, “Restore! Restore!…Restore!”…

…Tap into the wellspring of Supernatural Strength that is within you….Stir up the determination and God given resilience that lies dormant inside…and Cry out to God,..pleading for Restoration in every area of your life…

Ask Him to restore the missed opportunities, broken relationships, and even shattered dreams and unfulfilled Visions…

…And Believe that as you cry out to Him with sincerity and in faith,…He will hear and answer your prayers….!

…Day after day, let us continue to meditate on these truths, allowing them to permeate every aspect of our being.

…As you do so, you will begin to see the divine reversals of wasted time and the enlargement of your strength begin to unfold in your life…

…Choose to Trust in God’s faithfulness and His ability to turn every setback into a setup for your success…and Breakthrough!!

…Come Up Higher…and Step forward with confidence, knowing that the best days are yet to come…to the Glory of God!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Reversing Wasted Time and Enlarging Your Strength..!

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21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Breaking Through Narrow Places..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Breaking Through Narrow Places..!

Breaking Through Narrow Places: Decreeing Enlargement and Prophesying Victory”..! …Begin the day with prayer, seeking guidance and strength from God to overcome the narrow places in your life. Ask for…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Breaking Through Narrow Places..!

House of Simeon

Breaking Through Narrow Places: Decreeing Enlargement and Prophesying Victory”..!

…Begin the day with prayer, seeking guidance and strength from God to overcome the narrow places in your life. Ask for the anointing to push through and reach your new enlarged place.

…As you read Luke 18, Matthew 19, 1 John 1, and 2,…; Meditate on the stories and teachings that speak about faith, hope, and love.

..Let these scriptures remind you of the unlimited possibilities that lie ahead when you trust in God and His promises.

…Friend,..Take a moment to reflect on your own life and identify and the narrow places that you feel trapped in…

…These could be physical, emotional, or spiritual areas where you feel restricted or limited…

..Write them down and bring them before the Lord,…asking Him for Supernatural breakthrough and enlargement…

..Decree with Faith and Boldness that you will be Anointed to push through the narrow places and into the broader places that He has prepared for you to possess and occupy in this next Season.

…Declare that the power of God will enable you to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way….; Visualise yourself breaking free from the constraints and stepping into a new season of enlargement and Increase…

..Throughout the day, intentionally choose to walk in Faith, Hope, and Love in all circumstances….Regardless of the challenges or setbacks you may face,..hold onto the truth that God is with you and He has a plan to prosper you and to move you forward into the place of Abundance and Beauty.

…Let your words, actions, and attitudes reflect the faith you have in God’s faithfulness, the hope you have in His promises, and the love you have for Him and others in the Body..

…Today raise your Voice and Prophesy and declare your vision to break through the barriers and obstacles that seek to hold you back….; Speak out loud the dreams and goals that you have for your life…

Come On Declare; that no obstacle or limitation can hinder you from reaching your God Appointed Destiny…

…Now As you align your words with God’s Word and promises, are releasing the supernatural power of heaven into your life and over your future.

…Throughout the day, keep your focus on God and His ability to bring about the needed provision and divine wisdom you need….; Surrender any anxiety or fear to Him, knowing that He is working all things together for your good…

…Trust that He will lead you through the narrow places and into the spacious and abundant life He has for you..!

…And finally,..Close the day with sincere gratitude and thanksgiving in your heart. ..Thank the Father for His faithfulness, for empowering you to break through the narrow places, and for the Increase,…Expansion and Enlargement that is coming your way…

…Rest in the assurance that God is at work in your life, and continue to trust Him as you journey towards your new season of manifest Victory..!

…”Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes”…Isaiah 54:2

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Breaking Through Narrow Places..!

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21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

…Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!   …Let’s Read about of Paul and Silas in Acts 16….; Despite facing obstacles and being imprisoned, they did not lose…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

House of Simeon

Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!


…Let’s Read about of Paul and Silas in Acts 16….; Despite facing obstacles and being imprisoned, they did not lose hope or faith in God. They prayed and sang hymns, and God responded by sending a great earthquake that shook loose the iron bars,…that broke their chains and opened the prison doors…

..Consider the obstacles in your own life that may be hindering you from answering God’s call….It could be fear, doubt, or even a lack of resources, or negative influences…

…Ask God to send a great shaking, just like He did in Paul and Silas’ situation, to remove every obstacle and break every chain…that’s hindering you from moving forward into all the God has for you..

…Trust in God’s Power and Sovereignty to break the shackles that are binding you….This could be chains of addiction, past traumas, or unhealthy relationships….Whatever is keeping you from fully embracing God’s call,…believe that He is able to break those chains and set you free completely..

…Pray for Open doors and that every blocked entrance will be opened up to you.,..Sometimes, it may feel like there are closed doors standing in the way of stepping into your calling….; But remember that God holds the Keys to every door, and He will Open Doors and Close Doors at the right time…

…So Trust in His timing and believe that He will make a way where there seems to be no way…

…Take time to listen carefully for your Macedonian call from God…Just as Paul received a vision of a man from Macedonia calling for help, God has a specific call and purpose for each of us…

…It may come through prayer, through His Word, or through the guidance and Prophetic Input of others…Be Sensitive and Pay attention to the nudges and promptings of the Holy Spirit, and be open to wherever God may lead you.,.

..Remain steadfast and faithful, even in the face of obstacles…

…The journey of following God’s call is not always easy…There will be challenges and setbacks along the way….; But remember that God is with you, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, trust in His promises, and continue to walk in obedience.

..Seek support and encouragement from fellow believers. Surround yourself with a community of believers who will uplift and support you in your journey. Share your struggles, seek wise counsel, and pray together.

..Together, you can overcome obstacles and fulfill the call that God has placed on your life.

…Remember, God’s call is unique for each individual, and the journey may look different for everyone….But as you listen for His call, and trust in His timing the good work He began in you will be brought to full perfection and completion..!

Lamentations 3;21-25 says, “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.”

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

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21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..! God is a God of Supernatural Miracles,…as we take a look at the teachings and Miracles of Jesus in…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

House of Simeon

Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

God is a God of Supernatural Miracles,…as we take a look at the teachings and Miracles of Jesus in Mark 6, 7, and 10.

…These chapters showcase the incredible Transformative Power of Faith,..and the Miracles that can happen when we put our Trust and Hope in God alone….; HE IS THE GREAT MIRACLE WORKER..!

…By immersing ourselves in these stories, we can gain a deeper understanding of how to embrace change and develop an atmosphere of radical Faith without boundaries in our own lives.

..Embracing the rapid changes that are happening around us on a daily basis can be challenging,…but Faith is not denying that Mountains exist – but rather Faith denies the Power that Mountains can have over our lives and see them removed…!!

Challenges are essential for growth and spiritual development…

…Just as Jesus moved from place to place, constantly adapting to every new circumstance and challenge, we too must be open to change and embrace every opportunity to exercise our Faith in God.

…By letting go of our fear of the unknown, we pave the way for God’s plan to unfold in our lives…

…Listen! Take heart,..Rejection is inevitable, but it should never hold us back from doing God’s work…

…As you take time to read these chapters, you will see Jesus being rejected by his own hometown and even by his disciples at different times….However, He never let it discourage him or hinder his mission or distract Him from His Fathers instruction.

…Instead, He pressed forward with unwavering faith, knowing that God’s plan was greater than any rejection He faced.

..Letting go of the fear of rejection allows us to fully embrace God’s calling and step into the purpose He has for us.

Whenever God calls us into positions of leadership it can be a challenging time of transition, requiring a new measure of faith and demonstration….; In Mark 6, we see Jesus appointing his disciples to go out and preach, giving them Authority to heal and cast out demons…

…This Call into leadership required the disciples to step out in faith and fully trust in God’s power working through them. Similarly, when we take up a position of leadership or responsibility, we must lean even more on our faith and trust in God’s guidance…

To cultivate a climate of faith for healing and miracles, we must first believe that all things are possible with God. As we see in Mark 6 and 10, countless people came to Jesus seeking healing, and their faith played a pivotal role in their restoration.

…By developing a mindset that says “With God, all things are possible,” we create an atmosphere of expectation and faith. We must believe that God has the power to bring healing and miracles into our lives, and approach him with the confidence and absolute assurance that He will respond…

Developing a Life-Style of Radical faith requires consistent Obedience…Surrender and devotion…; Just as Jesus withdrew to solitary places to pray and seek guidance from the Father, we too must prioritize our relationship of Intimacy with the Father…Through prayer, studying scripture, and seeking spiritual input.

Pray; Thank you Father for how you have called me to be involved in Your work in the world. Thank you for how You Provide and care for me and how You so lovingly care for others,….As the Great Teacher,…please teach me how to love and lead as you love and lead.

…And As the Great Shephard will you continue to guide and protect me and those that I love. Father thank You for Your Faithfulness and great compassion in my life.

..Thank you Lord for leaving me the Holy Spirit that is always with me,…Thank you Lord that you provide help and hope in the challenges of everyday life…Help me to remember this Truth, especially as the circumstances of the day can look totally impossible to resolve on my own.

…Father You are the God of miracles. Help me to remember what You have already done in my life to bring me to where I am today…Equip me to Grow in greater faith each day..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

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21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

..Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..A Journey of Understanding and Apostolic Covering..! …So let’s look at any areas of Spiritual Warfare that you may have been experiencing recently… …Prayerfully Meditate…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

House of Simeon

..Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..A Journey of Understanding and Apostolic Covering..!

…So let’s look at any areas of Spiritual Warfare that you may have been experiencing recently…

…Prayerfully Meditate on what these battles may signify and ask God for Clarity,…and to bring discernment in understanding the spiritual realm…

…Now Take time to study and reflect on; 2 Corinthians 10 and Ephesians 4..& 6,…you will see that these key passages provide important insights into the nature of spiritual warfare and the important role of Apostolic Covering in the Body of Christ…

…Pay attention to any specific instructions or admonitions given in these passages that may apply to your current situation…

..Approach God in prayer, specifically asking Him for understanding of the Spiritual Warfare happening around you. Seek His guidance on how to navigate these battles, recognizing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

…Paul states that we will not fight this war with physical weapons, but with spiritual ones. The spiritual weapons that we wield carry the Divine Power to destroy strongholds of demonic activity…

…It’s vital to Seek God’s specific purposes and plans for your life….; Ask Him to reveal any areas where you may be walking in disobedience or out of right alignment with His will. Surrender yourself to Him, allowing Him to guide and direct your steps in the spiritual battle…

Read; Eph 6…; Putting on the Full Armour of God at the Beginning of everyday..!

..Take practical steps to align yourself with God’s purposes and plans….This may involve seeking advice and counsel from trusted spiritual leaders, engaging in specific spiritual disciplines such as fasting and prayer, and actively participating in the work of the kingdom…

…Stay Alert,…vigilant and attentive,…Pay attention to any spiritual attacks or signs of warfare, and seek God’s wisdom on how to respond in the right way…

…Remember that you are not alone in this battle – The Holy Spirit is with you, and He has provided Apostolic connections and covering,..and spheres of Godly Authority that can help to support and strengthen you on your journey towards greater Transformation…

…Most importantly,…Continually seek God’s Wisdom and Guidance throughout your journey in understanding Spiritual warfare and how to overcome in Victory…!

…This is an ongoing process of growth and learning, so remain open and teachable, allowing God to refine and shape you for His purposes…

…Trust that He will equip you with everything you need to Stand strong in the midst of every spiritual battle to fulfill your Kingdom Calling..!

Pray; …Lord, I acknowledge that prayer is the most powerful weapon against the attacks of the enemy. Help me to pray without ceasing, to keep You in total focus.

Teach me to rely on Your strength and guidance in all situations, knowing that in You, I am a Mighty OVERCOMER,…

Thank you for the privilege of prayer, through which I can communicate with You and find refuge in Your Presence.

Heavenly Father, I commit myself to live a life rooted in prayer, seeking Your Divine protection and guidance each day.….

I surrender my desires, my thoughts, and my very being to you. Grant me the wisdom and discernment to recognize the schemes of the enemy and the strength to overcome them. Lead me on the path of righteousness, for Your Names sake.

…“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
(Ephesians 6:12)

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

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21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

A Journey of Love and Giving…Embracing a New Road to Miracles..!   ..Today we Reflect on the teachings of Jesus in..; ..Luke 6 and Romans 12… …Jesus constantly emphasised the…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

House of Simeon

A Journey of Love and Giving…Embracing a New Road to Miracles..!


..Today we Reflect on the teachings of Jesus in..;

..Luke 6 and Romans 12…

…Jesus constantly emphasised the importance of Love and Giving in our lives. He taught us to Love our enemies, Bless those who curse us, and Pray for those who mistreat us.

…He showed us that true Love goes beyond our comfort zones and extends to those whom society considers unworthy.

As we study how Jesus taught us to Love and Give, we come to understand that these actions have the power to bring about the miraculous.

..When we put aside our own desires and self-interests, we open ourselves up to experience the supernatural work of God in our lives and in the lives of others.

We begin to see transformation and restoration taking place, not just in our circumstances but also in our hearts and minds.

It is crucial to ask God to pave a new road of love and giving in our lives. We must surrender our old ways of thinking and acting, and allow Him to lead us on a path that is characterized by selflessness, compassion, and generosity.

We need His guidance and direction as we navigate through the challenges and obstacles that may come our way.

In this journey of transformation, we must also pray for God’s transforming and renewing power to overtake our minds. Our thoughts and attitudes can often hinder us from loving and giving as Jesus taught us.,,

We may struggle with resentment, selfishness, or a lack of compassion. But as we seek God’s intervention, He can purify our hearts and align our thoughts with His, enabling us to love and give in ways that reflect His character.

It is essential to ask God to motivate us in a new way so that our Faith can operate in a new measure..

Sometimes, we may find ourselves lacking the zeal and passion to love and give selflessly. We may feel drained or overwhelmed by the demands of life.

But when we turn to God and seek Him for motivation, He can fill us with His Holy Spirit, empowering us to love and give abundantly, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties.

As we embark on this journey of learning to Love and Give, let us open our hearts to the teachings of Jesus, allowing His words to penetrate deep within us.

..Let us surrender our old ways and embrace a new road of love and giving that leads to the miraculous.

..May God transform our minds and motivate us to operate in a new measure of faith, reflecting His love and grace to a World in desperation..!

Pray; Father thank You that by faith in Christ I have become a new Creation with a new Nature. I pray that I may live and grow more like You in my everyday choices. Father I know that in my own strength I can never love those that hate and despise me,..but I pray that in Your Supernatural Strength and Grace You will enable me to make the right choices  and to stay aligned with Your perfect will, that Your Love,…Mercy and forgiveness can flow through me to others.. in Jesus name,…I pray, AMEN.


Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;  “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion: Seeking God’s Guidance and Walking in His Promises”..! ..One of my favourite stories,…The spies who were sent to explore the Promised Land… ..See; Numbers 13…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

House of Simeon

Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion: Seeking God’s Guidance and Walking in His Promises”..!

..One of my favourite stories,…The spies who were sent to explore the Promised Land…

..See; Numbers 13 and 14…

…We know that the Story tells us that despite seeing and tasting of the abundance and fruitfulness in the land,..ten of the spies came back with a negative report, their hearts filled with unbelief and fear…

..Ten of the 12,…chose to focus on the challenges and obstacles they saw,…rather than trusting in God’s Promise that they could possess and occupy the land…


…Declare;…I will have Eyes to See in a New way in the days ahead…!

…Ask the Holy Spirit to remove from in the midst of you the Spirit of Unbelief and Fear from your life…

…Often times Powerful Demonic spirits will be assigned to our lives to try and stop us from stepping into the fullness of what God has promised,…and to hinder us from taking possession of our allotted Inheritance..!

GIVE THE DEVIL NO ROOM; Take the time to examine any broken relationships with leaders…friends,..or family members,…; Deal quickly with Unresolved conflicts or misunderstandings that can breed mistrust,..hinder Unity and give Satan a legal right to traffic in different areas of your life…

..Open your heart,…Pray for healing and reconciliation, seeking forgiveness from God…and then extend Grace and Mercy where it’s needed towards others..

..Ask God to break any destructive cycles of Anger, Bitterness,…Rebellion and even wrong reactions in your life…!

…Sometimes, Unbelief and Fear can manifest in Anger and wrong responses towards others…

…Totally Surrender your emotions to the Control of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to transform your emotions into love, patience, and forgiveness…

Declare;…I have different Spirit, Overcoming Spirit like Joshua and Caleb,..; I will not focus on the Size of the Giants that try to come against the manifestation of my Promise,…but I will Keep my eyes fixed on Jesus..the Author and Finisher of my Faith..! 

…And Despite the negative report of the other spies, we know that Joshua and Caleb remained steadfast in their Trust in God.

…They declared that the people were well able to overcome any challenges because God was with them…

…Beloved,..Speak words of faith and courage over your circumstances, declaring God’s truth and promises…

…Overcoming unbelief, fear, and rebellion is a journey that requires daily surrender and dependence on God – As you read His Word, pray, and seek His guidance,…He will give you the strength and faith to overcome these obstacles and walk in the fullness of His promises – Trust in His leading and keep pressing forward, knowing that He is faithful to fulfil His plans for your life…!

..Prayer;…Lord, You are the lifter of my head when I am down, You strengthen me when I am weak…You are the Keeper of my soul…and Your Eyes are ever upon me…

…Even when there are giants in my promise land that threaten to consume me or to distract me from the Destiny and Inheritance You have prepared for me…I will not Fear…

…For I know that You are greater than he that is in the world and nothing You have spoken over me will return to You void. You will bring to completion those things that You have begun in me — giants, or no giants,…



Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;  A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

“A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…Faith makes Bold Declarations”.. …Onwards and Upwards we Go; Lets Take a moment to reflect on the previous week and how God has been…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

House of Simeon

A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…Faith makes Bold Declarations”..

…Onwards and Upwards we Go; Lets Take a moment to reflect on the previous week and how God has been faithful in our journey towards manifest Restoration and Victory.

…Thank Him for His faithfulness and provision thus far…!

…Today let’s…Meditate on Matthew 12:43-45 and ask God to reveal any areas in your life where the enemy might still be lurking. These verses remind us that whenever we turn to God, focus our hearts and minds on seeking Him, this will give cause for the ‘spirit of defilement’ to leave us…

…Start by Surrendering every area to Him and ask for His protection and deliverance…

As you pray, invite the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh with His Presence and Power…Surrender yourself fully to Him, allowing Him to take control and empower you to walk in Victory over every opposing Spirit…

..Declare with boldness and confidence that you are plundering the enemy’s camp and taking back what’s been stolen.

…Open your Mouth and Speak against any spiritual opposition or attacks and command them to be dismantled in the Mighty Name of Jesus…

..Now Believe and declare that God is a God of Restoration. Ask Him to Restore to you everything that was stolen or destroyed by the enemy in the last Season…; Claim His promise of Seven-fold restoration over your life, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises…and Stand Over His Word to perform it..

..Affirm your confidence in God’s ability to secure your deliverance….Proclaim with conviction that no other forces, whether earthly or spiritual, can ever overtake you because you are under the covering of the Almighty God.

..Read and meditate on Mark 4, specifically focusing on the parable of the sower…; SEEDS ALWAYS PRODUCE A HARVEST.

…Declare that the seeds you have sown in FAITH will indeed prosper.

…Decree and declare a bountiful harvest in every area of your life – spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially…

..With boldness and determination,..We Declare; “I AM TAKING IT ALL BACK”…

…Resist and Refuse to accept or entertain voices of doubt or fear,…instead Declare your unwavering commitment to pursue God’s victory and restoration in every area of your life.

…TRUST that He is leading you into a future full of Hope and Abundance…

..Humble yourself before God and ask Him for your next measure of faith…; Recognise that Faith is a gift from God, and it is “only in and through faith” that we can walk in Victory over our enemies…!

..Ask Him to increase your faith and help you to trust Him more fully in this journey…

..Take a few moments of silence and listen for any specific instructions or guidance from God..; Write down any impressions or thoughts that come to mind, and commit to following through with whatever He reveals or instructs you to do..; Selah!!

…Say…”Father Thank You for the Gift of Faith,…Thank you for Your Unwavering and Unconditional Love and faithfulness in my life,..Thank you for securing my Victory,..Healing and Restoration”…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;  Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..! …Today Let’s delve deeper into God’s Redemptive plan for our lives, let’s turn our attention to Isaiah 52:1-6, where there…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

House of Simeon

Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

…Today Let’s delve deeper into God’s Redemptive plan for our lives, let’s turn our attention to Isaiah 52:1-6, where there is a Call to Awaken to the fullness of this plan resounds…

…It is a Call to shake off the Remnants of the last Season and Step into the New,..and fully embrace the Freedom that comes from being Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus…

This powerful passage reminds us to loose ourselves from any and all demonic captivity that may still hold us captive….whether it be in the form of sin, shame, guilt, or unforgiveness,…

…God wants us to break us free from the chains of bondage and oppression,…that we may experience the Liberty and Victory that only He can provide….

…The Father longs for us to walk in the fullness of His Redemption,..unhindered and undeterred by the shackles of our past…

…We can be sure that on this journey we will certainly face many obstacles and difficult challenges that threaten to hinder and derail our progress and even rob us of our Destiny….; Doubt, fear, and temptation will always try to pull us back into the captivity we once knew…

…FEAR NOT!..For we can take comfort in knowing that God’s Redemptive plan is rooted in His Unfailing love and faithfulness towards us….He promises to strengthen and uphold us, equipping us with the necessary strategies to overcome any barriers in our path…

..Friend,…In order to fully receive His Redemptive plan, we are called to find our abiding place in Him and be seated..; This speaks of finding our Rest and Security in God alone. It is only when we Abide in Him that we can experience the fullness of His plan and divine purpose for our lives.

…When we fully Surrender Control and Trust in His guidance, we position ourselves to walk in the path of Redemption that He has laid out for us…

..In finding our abiding place in Him, we are also urged to PUT ON a New garment of Victory. This is Prophetically symbolic of the transformation that takes place when we accept God’s Redemptive plan for our lives.

…The Gift of Salvation makes us part of a…‘DIVINE EXCHANGE PROGRAM’….where we exchange our filthy,..old, and tattered garments of defeat and death – for New and pristine Royal garments of Freedom and Victory…

…Royal Garments that symbolise the full Authority,..Restoration and Renewal that comes from walking in the freedom that Jesus offers through His Precious Blood….

…BE OF GOOD COURAGE,…; God’s Redemptive plan is a journey that requires our active participation…It calls us to Awaken, and to loose ourselves from captivity, to find our Abiding place in Him, and to put on a New Garment of Victory….

…As we embrace HIS PLAN,..we will discover the Abundant life that God has designed for us to Inherit..

…”He gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone…This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time”….1 Tim 2;6

…Let’s Pray,..”Father,..May we continually seek to walk in the fullness of Your Redemption plan, allowing You to transform me and lead me into a life of Abundance,…divine purpose and fulfilment for Your Glory..! Amen.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

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