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Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

Imagine, if you will, a majestic throne – not fashioned of earthly materials, but carved from radiant clouds, shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Upon it, seated at…

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

House of Simeon

Imagine, if you will, a majestic throne – not fashioned of earthly materials, but carved from radiant clouds, shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Upon it, seated at the epicenter of all creation, rests the Almighty, cloaked in majesty beyond our earthly comprehension. This is the throne of God, a canvas upon which His glory is eternally painted.

Yet, our God is not a distant king, enthroned in cold and sterile splendour. His glory, while awe-inspiring, is not a blinding light that obliterates, but a symphony of love that resonates through every fibre of His being. It weaves its way down from the celestial heights, bathing His throne in a halo of warmth and compassion. For God’s glory is not about Himself, but about the immensity of His love for His creation, which includes every one of us.

Picture waves of His love rippling outward from the throne, like golden threads woven into the tapestry of His glory. They stretch across galaxies, embracing every star and whispering through the darkest voids. They descend to cradle our fragile planet, washing over mountains and meadows, penetrating the deepest oceans and reaching into the bustling hearts of cities. This love is not an abstract concept, a mere word whispered in ancient texts. It is tangible, a force that moves with the gentle breeze rustling through leaves and the fierce wind sculpting mountain peaks. It is in the sunrise that paints the sky with fiery hues and the quiet miracle of a newborn’s breath. It is in the unyielding strength of a parent’s love, the comfort of a friend’s embrace, and the whispered prayer that carries us through the darkest night. We stand, small and humbled, in the shadow of His splendour. Yet, He invites us closer, not with a king’s summons, but with a father’s outstretched hand. We are not mere subjects before His throne, but children welcomed into His embrace.

The tapestry of His glory, woven with threads of love, is our inheritance, an invitation to step into the warmth of His presence. In the quiet moments of our lives, in the joy and the sorrow, the triumphs and the failures, we can seek the shelter of His throne. His glory may dazzle, but His love draws us near. It invites us to bask in the radiance of His grace, to find forgiveness in the depths of His compassion, and to experience the transformative power of His presence.

So let us step forward, not with trepidation, but with hearts overflowing with gratitude. Let us bask in the warmth of His love, woven into the very fabric of His glory. For in the shadow of His splendour, we find not only awe, but belonging, purpose, and an unconditional love that transcends all understanding. In His presence, we are not lost specks in a vast universe, but cherished children embraced by the King of Kings, forever loved in the tapestry of His glory.

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

Hello Ireland’s Destiny Hub! Below I’d like to introduce Brad Molsberry, one of the teachers at our prophetic school at FireHouse. I think you will enjoy his word (and poem!)…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

House of Simeon

When you feel ill-equipped for the situation...

Hello Ireland’s Destiny Hub!
Below I’d like to introduce Brad Molsberry, one of the teachers at our prophetic school at FireHouse. I think you will enjoy his word (and poem!) on having confidence in God’s ability to help us.
Angela Meer

Last year when I was preparing for my first prophetic innovation class I was having some doubts.  It will be my 3rd year teaching an Innovation lab class, but I just didn’t feel prepared this year.  I kept feeling like I had nothing. I was asking for verses and topics, and I had some vague direction, but I just wasn’t convinced I had what I needed for the class to go well.

Once the class started we were talking about unity and being one with Jesus.  It started to flow and the class ended up being 2 hours of revelation, stories, and verses bouncing between everyone. It was the best class I’ve had in 2 years by far.  Later that week I was talking with some friends who lead worship and they said they had a similar experience of not feeling prepared, and then Holy Spirit intervening and having the best worship set they’ve ever had.

So when you feel unprepared for what he has asked of you.
The one who has began a good work in you is faithful to complete it.
Your rest is in him, and the rest of what you need is already within you.
Trade your self doubt for his confidence in you.
You were called before you were born.
You were approved before you knew of his goodness.
You are deemed righteous, because of what he did.
You are worthy of the call because of his power of grace.
You will come out of the place of doubt and fear.
You are coming into the knowledge of his goodness and power.
He has called you to peace.
So enter that peace.
He is waiting for you to come and sit.
And let Jesus be enthroned in your heart
That you will be one with him.
Ask Holy Spirit
What exchange do you want me to make when it comes to confidence?

Verse References
Philippians 1:6  And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Luke 17:21 Nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.
Colossians3:15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Psalms 139:13-14 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works!

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

Editor’s note… Yesterday (Day 14) Una and John spoke on Psalm 46:10 “Be still…and know that I am God”.  You might wonder if Chris’ word today resulted in some way…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon

Psalm 46:10

Editor’s note… Yesterday (Day 14) Una and John spoke on Psalm 46:10 “Be still…and know that I am God”.  You might wonder if Chris’ word today resulted in some way from yesterday’s devotional – it did not!  Chris emailed this word to us almost a week ago – but due to us endeavouring to honour everyone who has submitted in date order, both devotionals were received several days ago!  God’s timing is perfect and when He speaks the prophets hear…

A brief encouragement to tarry in the Lords presence. “I just want you to be still”, says the Lord,

..As in, Be still, and know that I am God! When you are not still, you are doing. When you are not still, you are moving. When you are not still, you are not listening, you are not quiet, you are too busy to focus upon Me!”, says God.

In this season, the Lord is calling all His people to come quietly into His presence. He is calling us to slip behind the veil and into His presence. Then just like Mary, we can sit at His feet and listen while He speaks to us…

In Jeremiah 33:3, the Word of God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” He calls us now to call to Him and then just listen as He answers us.

At this time, the Lord is preparing us for great spiritual warfare. It has already started of course, but in this coming season, it will reach a great crescendo of unprecedented proportions.

…The enemy will war on us both individually and corporately trying to confuse and deflect us.

..But the Lord calls us to come into His Presence – away from the noise of battle – in order for Him to give us His battle plans, and His directions so that we may be, and remain, Victorious.

So, the Lord is calling His prophets, His intercessors, and all who will stand with Him against the hordes of hell, “Come to Me. Rest in Me.”,…

He says, “Let Me give you My words of encouragement and warfare. Let me anoint you for the battles that lie ahead. Let me show you My plans and together we shall stand and defeat all of Satan’s plans and tactics.” “COME TO ME. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.….

How else will you be able to receive My peace that passes all understanding? How else will you preserve your energy for those battles which lie ahead?

This coming season is one of heavy spiritual warfare. COME TO ME. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.” CGB

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 14 ‘Be Still’ by Una and John

House of Simeon Devotional Day 14 ‘Be Still’ by Una and John

One of God’s sweetest invitations to us is to “be still, and know that I am God…”. To relax and let go, cease striving, and allow God to lead the…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 14 ‘Be Still’ by Una and John

House of Simeon

In the midst of chaos and turmoil, be still...
One of God’s sweetest invitations to us is to “be still, and know that I am God…”. To relax and let go, cease striving, and allow God to lead the way IS the way of divine “rest” that God has prepared for us, the “people of God” (Hebrews 3:6-4:11).
You may already know that this invitation to “rest” comes in the context of turmoil and upset. “God is our refuge and strength”, says Psalm 46:1, “a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though it’s waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake at its dwelling”. Wow! No matter how tumultuous are your circumstances today, they probably are not so dramatic as mentioned here. So… relax, cease thrashing about, and set your attention to go deeper with God!
What you may not know about this invitation …be still and know… is that this is not the end of the sentence! It goes on to say,” I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth”! The exaltation of God amongst the nations is NOT dependent upon my striving. In fact, perhaps my “being still”… trusting in Him, abiding in His love….is the greatest contribution I can make today, to His  in all the earth! “My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.. Trust in Him at all times…God is a refuge for us”(psalm 62:5,8)

House of Simeon Devotional Day 14 ‘Be Still’ by Una and John

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 13 : The Importance Of A Governing Word by Angela Meers

House of Simeon Devotional Day 13 : The Importance Of A Governing Word by Angela Meers

Hello Ireland Destiny Hub! – It is my joy to bring to you this prophetic devotional for the month of January. Every year for the past few years, God has…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 13 : The Importance Of A Governing Word by Angela Meers

House of Simeon

Angela's mood board
Angela's mood board
My Governing Word Reminder Board for 2024
Angela's mood board

Hello Ireland Destiny Hub!

It is my joy to bring to you this prophetic devotional for the month of January. Every year for the past few years, God has given us at FireHouse an individual word or phrase that helps us steer the ship of ministry into the year. I would like to take the time now to illuminate the steps you can take to also hear from God and receive a governing word that you can take into your year personally.

Why a Governing Word?  A prophetic governing word does a few things to help anchor you in the way that God wants you
to go during a certain season.
• It can assist in making choices
• It can help you understand how to weather the storms or difficulties of the year
• It can establish you in a place of peace when things don’t go as planned
• It can act as prayer points during individual or corporate prayer meetings

Notice that I use the phrase “prophetic governing” word. That is because this carries with it the idea that it establishes leadership or governance over what you put your hand to. Sometimes prophetic words come about as we serve Jesus. Sometimes prophetic words come about in deep intercession and waiting on God. But a prophetic governing word helps you with leadership decisions for your own life, or the ministries you serve.

Examples of a Governing Word:
This year, the governing word for FireHouse is ABIDE. This word came out of my study from John 15, when the Lord showed me what happens AFTER we are pruned.  Last year, the governing word that God gave me for myself individually was INSIGHT. I admit, when He gave it to me, I was surprised! But I looked up the definition of the word and that definition really spoke to me. Sure enough, the word INSIGHT really governed my decisions last year.

How to Get a Governing Word for Yourself in 2024

1. Start by getting yourself into a time with Jesus. Whether that is worship, praying in tongues, silence and solitude – whatever you do to place yourself at the feet of Jesus in the Spirit realm.

2. Now, ask for your word! Jesus knows that we need the encouragement that the governing word will bring us for 2024. We know that when we ask, He answers as a good Father.  Here is a prayer that can you pray:

God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Precious Holy Spirit: I thank you that you are capable of giving me a word to govern my steps in the coming year. I ask that you will make it clear to me that you are choosing this governing word to direct my year. I ask that you would help me hear you correctly.  Amen.

3. Now, as you go about your Bible reading, or prayer, be ready to hear from the Lord what your governing word is for the year. It may pop up in conversation with others, or it may just rest in your spirit quietly. The point here is to TURN ON YOUR AWARENESS. Part of praying in faith means that we know that God hears and answers us. So be prepared to receive your answer!

4. If you do not have a word within three days, repeat the above steps. God WILL answer you!

What to Do with your Governing Word

Each person is different but I like to use the Canva ( graphic design creator to create a desktop image for my computer. Then, all year long I have the images and words that are guiding my year up on my desktop computer. You can do the same for your phone! Here is my image for 2024:

If this is an art project that doesn’t suit your fancy, then I recommend putting your word:

• On a post it on your bathroom mirror

• Print it out on your computer and put it on your refrigerator

• Write it at the beginning of your prayer journal

• Or do a crochet pillow, paint a picture, or any matter of art-related way to keep that word before you for 2024

This is instruction that God gave Habakkuk as well when He told that prophet to “Write the vision, and make it plain…” (Hab 2:2). When we keep our governing word before us it will be an ongoing reminder for the year that God is designing our steps.  I would love to hear your testimonies or see the pictures you create! You can show them off at my social media page on Facebook at Angela M. Meer.

God bless you IDH!

House of Simeon Devotional Day 13 : The Importance Of A Governing Word by Angela Meers

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

Devotional Day 12; The Great and Terrible Day: Embracing God’s Call in 2024″

Devotional Day 12; The Great and Terrible Day: Embracing God’s Call in 2024″

  The Great and Terrible Day: Embracing God’s Call in 2024″…; Written By Sir James Barlow  ..Entering the New Year of 2024, I feel an unexpected excitement! Not that I…

Devotional Day 12; The Great and Terrible Day: Embracing God’s Call in 2024″

House of Simeon


The Great and Terrible Day: Embracing God’s Call in 2024″…; Written By Sir James Barlow 

..Entering the New Year of 2024, I feel an unexpected excitement! Not that I expect an easy time, but that The Lord will be with those who will hide themselves in Him and will undertake for them in most amazing ways! Surely we are seeing the demise of so much of the structure and protocol that has welded together our nations for so long – some of that demise is good, but much appears to have sinister agendas that perhaps may lead down very dark paths. But God!

…I hear the Lord saying that He is now revealing His justice to the nations that have defiled His Word, His Truth, and His Righteousness.

He is not coming as He did at first: gently, as a babe, as a suffering servant.

…He is coming as the King of Kings with His mighty armies.

He is looking to manifest this through His Ecclesia and His Church, but sees them not looking to Him and not holding their ear to the door that they may be ready to respond to His still small voice as it becomes a trumpet call.

He sees them desperately looking to hide, to run to the hills and bury their heads in the sand for fear, when they should run into Him and yield to Him as their Lord and friend.

Not recognising Him, they fear and do not trust. 

But there are those now rising who are learning His voice, learning His care and enjoying His embrace.….

He sees you!

…He calls and holds you in the covert of His wing, for that is the only safety in the time of His wrath upon the nations.

…There is no other place of hiding except in Him.

…He is the calm at the centre of the storm. He is the refuge from the storm, the shelter from the sun and the Hope for tomorrow.

…He is the life, the power and the strength to carry you through. He is the inspiration and the thought that will keep you as the enemy comes in close.

…He is the courage to wield the sword of His Word and so see the fall of the armies arrayed against Him. He is the vision and He is the hearing to direct your thrust and keep your guard against the darts that fly.

…He is all that you need!

….He is calling to you.

He will not move without you and each moment that you hesitate to respond, to give over to doubt and fear, to hold back with your sword sheathed, the enemy of our souls grows bolder.

That has been the story for long years and you now see what that has wrought in the nations!

But now, He offers His hope.

…Arise! Take up your Sword – His word!

…Gird your loins for the battle! Put on your armour!

…Stand with Him at the centre of your being and with those who will come alongside you as allies.

…Be prepared to trust your back to another for you can only face one way at a time.

Enter into the fellowship of the brethren and return to the brotherhood of the believers. Do not hold back! He will come regardless of your fears and sweep any away who are not for Him!

Now is the appointed time! Now is moment to take courage and arise! Now is time of the visitation of His Holy Justice upon the nations! Be alert and stand!

Some will find themselves on this mountain, some on another, but that place is His choosing not yours!

Your safety and strength lies in being where He put you to stand, not where another thinks you should be.

…Follow the call of His Spirit in your deepest being and lean not to your own understanding for it has failed! In that place of strength, you will find others who will stand with you, many you thought of as not with you, but in truth they always have been. You will have divine connections that will go beyond worldly understanding.

You will have upgraded hearts to love and hear and see! You will be strengthened beyond your natural ability!

You will find that you can leap as the hind upon the high places and wield weapons of warfare never revealed before!

He will bring you into new dimensions of encounter with Him that will fill you with even deeper love and courage!

You will begin to know the Truth and that will indeed set you free – as well as those around you! For those around you will turn to Him even as you do! There is no turning back now.

The victory is sure.

The end is at hand.

The fight is approaching its climax. Do not let your hands grow weary as this last summit is approached! This is the great and terrible Day of our Lord and our King!


Devotional Day 12; The Great and Terrible Day: Embracing God’s Call in 2024″

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 11 : The Army Of The Lord

House of Simeon Devotional Day 11 : The Army Of The Lord

Recently I saw the film Spartacus on tv and what I saw were hundreds of slaves that had been crucified all hanging either side of a long road. I saw…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 11 : The Army Of The Lord

House of Simeon

I saw warriors rising as from the valley of dry bones
Recently I saw the film Spartacus on tv and what I saw were hundreds of slaves that had been crucified all hanging either side of a long road. I saw them all dressed in pyjamas. They were all people who had died falling asleep in Christ ( in my vision) I saw Jesus walk down the road between them and breathe on them and they came back to life, like Aslan breathing on the statues and they came back to life, or like Ezekiel 37 when breath was breathed into the dry bones.
 I then saw that Spartacus himself had a Bride and child and they had been captured. He didn’t know where they were or if they were safe. They were both released and free; but as they were leaving they saw him hanging on the cross. They went over to him and told him that they were free and a peace came over him knowing that they were safe and he then died.
I ‘just’ felt it was so powerful in that that was Jesus on the cross for our freedom and once he had taken all the sin on him to set us (his Bride and child) free when he died.
This morning I also saw lots of us begin to take up our shields – the shields of Faith, speaking forth the word; and swords to join the army of the Lord.  The word may offend and be unpalatable to some, but we must pick up our tools and join the rest of God’s army without fear.  Revelation 10:9-11

“And I went to the angel and said, “Give me the small scroll.”  “Take it and eat it,” he said. “It will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.  So I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it; and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned bitter.  And they told me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples and nations and tongues and kings”.

House of Simeon Devotional Day 11 : The Army Of The Lord

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 10 : Your Calling by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 10 : Your Calling by Chris G Bennett

I noticed a post on Facebook today asking about the scripture which set the calling of God on your life. – I’m sure you will have had many verses of…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 10 : Your Calling by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon

I imagined a lookout on one of Nelson’s ships, with telescope to his eye, shouting a warning to those on deck below...

I noticed a post on Facebook today asking about the scripture which set the calling of God on your life.

I’m sure you will have had many verses of scripture which mean so much for you. I have very distinct memories of two which stood out for me. When I was a new Christian, the Lord began to highlight scripture for me. One stood out like it was carved in stone before me. “ For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 This confirmed my faith to me in a way no-one had been able to do. It set my faith on solid ground. Yet there was a far greater confirmation still to come.

As I read my bible one morning, about 50 years ago now, that’s 12 years after I received the Lord as my saviour, I heard the Lord, for the first time that I remember, say to me, “Look at Ezekiel 33!” I was surprised, but I thumbed my way to the right place, and in verse 7, I read these words, “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.” Ezekiel 33.7.

I had no idea what a ‘watchman’ was at the time. I imagined either an older guy, sat by an open fire outside, guarding the gates to the camp. It was either that, or I imagined a lookout on one of Nelson’s ships, with telescope to his eye, shouting a warning to those on deck below. Actually, not bad analogies either of them, but I had no knowledge of a watchman being a prophet! I didn’t even understand prophecy then. Yet it was in this way that the Lord turned my thinking towards the calling He had for me. The rest is history, as they say! God has spoken to me like this, through His Word, only one other time, but that was even more personal. Yet the message each time has been very personal and very clear – even if I didn’t understand at first.

So, what was/is your calling from God? How did He make it known to you? Did He take you to scripture and highlight verses to you that encouraged you to stop, think, pray, and maybe act upon that word? Are you still acting on that Word, or has it slipped into history? Maybe the time is now for you to go back to the Lord and ask Him – “Is this still my calling Lord?” Or is He pointing you in a different direction today? Is your old assignment completed? Is it time to review your calling with the Lord?

With me, I was bumbling along in 1995, wondering what my calling was! I’d long ago forgotten about the watchman thing! Then the Lord shocked me into reality. I got a phone call from a recently acquired friend. “Hey Chris, the Lord just told me to call you and to offer to teach you all I know about prophecy! Are you up for that?” He was an established prophet, and I knew that he was ‘right’ for the task. It took me about a second to ask for more details. The rest is history – I sat under him for a total of 15 years before the Lord called me to my present ministry assignment.

Has or is the Lord calling you to a specific calling? Have to answered Him? Is what you’re doing for Him, what He wants you doing today? Has your old assignment finished? Is it on going? I feel it’s time for all of us to reassess our calling. It may be perfect – right on the path the Lord wants for you. Or He may be nudging you gently, maybe not so gently, towards your own end-time calling! Holy Spirit is telling me this is a call to two or three people reading this post to come before Him again in order to listen to His voice! If you have doubts about what you think you may be hearing, then ask someone you trust to pray with you, and counsel you if needed. There’s no shame in questioning and asking for clarity. We’re all here to help.


House of Simeon Devotional Day 10 : Your Calling by Chris G Bennett

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House of Simeon Devotional Day 9 : A Divine Invitation to Intimacy by Linda G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 9 : A Divine Invitation to Intimacy by Linda G Bennett

It is easy to lose sight of the divine realm—the Throne Room of God In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. – Imagine a place where heaven meets…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 9 : A Divine Invitation to Intimacy by Linda G Bennett

House of Simeon

It is easy to lose sight of the divine realm—the Throne Room of God In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.
Imagine a place where heaven meets earth, where the Almighty sits on His throne, radiating majesty and glory. This sacred space beckons us, inviting us into an intimate encounter with the Creator of the universe. The Throne Room is not merely a distant concept; it is a spiritual reality accessible to every believer. In Revelation 4, John, the Apostle, gives us a glimpse into this heavenly sanctuary. Picture it: a throne set in heaven, surrounded by a rainbow of emerald green, with flashes of lightning and peals of thunder. The elders bow in worship, declaring, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.” There also the seraphim fly in the throne room crying ‘’Holy, Holy, Holy’ as they discover new facets of the One who sits on the throne.
As we meditate on this vision, let it serve as a reminder of our invitation into the Throne Room through faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord extends His hand, inviting us to draw near boldly (Hebrews 4:16). It’s not a distant, unattainable place; it’s where we find grace in times of need. Furthermore, the Throne Room is a place of prophetic revelation. As we enter into the presence of God, He unveils His purposes for our lives.
Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that His plans are for our welfare, to give us a future and a hope. In the Throne Room, God speaks, guiding us with His wisdom and lighting the path ahead. Embracing the reality of the Throne Room transforms our perspective on life’s challenges. When faced with adversity, let us remember that we serve a sovereign God seated on the throne. Nothing escapes His notice, and every circumstance is under His control.
As we apply this truth, let’s cultivate a lifestyle of worship and prayer. Enter the Throne Room daily through prayer, laying your burdens before the King. In His presence, you’ll find peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). The challenges of life may be real, but the One on the throne is greater. Moreover, let the Throne Room encounter inspire a life of holiness. Just as the elders continuously declare God’s holiness, let our lives reflect His character. Set aside time for repentance and consecration, allowing the Holy Spirit to purify and sanctify you. Let us bow our heads in prayer, acknowledging the privilege of entering the Throne Room: Heavenly Father, we come before Your majestic throne with gratitude and awe.
Thank You for the invitation to enter Your presence through the blood of Jesus. We acknowledge Your sovereignty over our lives and surrender every burden at Your feet. Scripture Reference: Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) – “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” As we conclude, may the Throne Room encounter resonate in our hearts daily. Walk in the assurance that the One who sits on the throne is with you, guiding, protecting, and unfolding His plans for your life. The Throne Room is not a distant dream but a reality you can enter into through faith, prayer, and worship. May you live each day as a reflection of the holy encounter you have with the King of kings. Amen.

House of Simeon Devotional Day 9 : A Divine Invitation to Intimacy by Linda G Bennett

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

House  of Simeon Devotional Day 8 : Psalm 24 by Andrew West

House of Simeon Devotional Day 8 : Psalm 24 by Andrew West

As a husband, father, friend and son, I find that spending time in the Book of Psalms helps me to stay encouraged, expectant, empowered and focused.  As we crossed over into…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 8 : Psalm 24 by Andrew West

House of Simeon

That the King of Glory may come in ...
As a husband, father, friend and son, I find that spending time in the Book of Psalms helps me to stay encouraged, expectant, empowered and focused.  As we crossed over into the New Year Psalms 24 has been particularly highlighted to me, and it has ministered to me powerfully in the area of Intimacy.
Intimacy with God is an essential aspect of the Christian faith. It is in this close relationship that believers find comfort, guidance, and strength. The Book of Psalms offers a rich source for cultivating Intimacy with God, and Psalm 24, in particular, provides profound insights into this divine connection with the Father.
Psalm 24 begins with the acknowledgment that the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1).  This verse sets the tone for the rest of the psalm, emphasizing that God is the ultimate owner and ruler of all creation and recognizing God’s Sovereignty helps to lay the foundation for a lifestyle of deeper Intimacy with Him.
As the psalm progresses, the focus shifts to the requirements of those who seek to enter God’s presence. “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place?” (Psalm 24:3).  The psalmist answers these questions by highlighting the importance of living a righteous life. It is through righteousness and purity of heart that believers can approach God and experience intimacy with Him.
The psalmist continues to describe the characteristics of those who seek intimacy with God. They are people who have clean hands and a pure heart, who do not trust in idols or swear falsely (Psalm 24:4). This description emphasizes the need for believers to live a life of integrity and devotion to God. It is through these qualities that a deep connection with Him can be fostered.
The psalm concludes with a powerful declaration of God’s glory and majesty. “Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in” (Psalm 24:7). This verse signifies the invitation for God’s presence to dwell among His people. It is a reminder that the pursuit of intimacy with God should be an ongoing process, as believers continually open the “gates” of their hearts to welcome Him.
In reflecting on Psalm 24, we can draw several key principles to cultivate intimacy with God.
Firstly, we must acknowledge His sovereignty, recognizing that He is the ultimate owner and ruler of our lives and the world.
Secondly, we need to live a righteous life, striving for purity of heart and integrity in our actions.
And Lastly, we must continuously invite God into our hearts and lives, opening the gates for His Glory to Come In!

House of Simeon Devotional Day 8 : Psalm 24 by Andrew West

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